Cut My Hair

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Ok so I wrote it :)
I know I've repeated a verse of the song again, but I felt like it matched both scenes so...yeah, I didn't do it by accident. :)

It was a dark night when Hosuh began to grow numb. He would later recall it as being quite unusual; the cold wind wasn't welcome in the early stages of May, leaving house windows frosted and trees shaking. Hosuh was feeling quite the same, huddled under his porch, staring at the late night couples strolling down the streets.

So when the unusual cold wind blew Hosuh tried his best not to shiver, biting his lip, grinding his teeth. But he shivered anyway, the tremors making him dig his nails into his arms.

He knew that Stephen, Daniel, Jay – everyone – had went out for the night. They had invited Hosuh to come along naturally, but Hosuh found himself declining, wanting to stay alone. He had began to feel exhausted, too tired to go out, but he couldn't sleep. So, his late wanderings had lead him outside his house. Watching the people together, as he sat alone.

Often I am upset.

Part of him wished that someone would've stayed behind, asked whether he was okay, but it didn't matter, Hosuh was almost used to being on the sidelines. He used to prefer it, but some selfish part of him yearned to be noticed, to be more than he was.

The people had stopped a few metres opposite from his house. Hosuh fiddled with his hair, watching as they laughed, their mouths curving upwards. He brushed his fingers against his own lips, flinching at how cold they were.

That I cannot fall in love

Hosuh let out a sigh, watching how it fogged in the air. His hand moved to touch it, but it had already gone.

But I guess

Hosuh slowly stood up, turning away from the people. He didn't want to see their smiles, their happiness. He clutched the door handle tight, relishing how the cool metal dug into his skin, before opening it. His dark hallway greeted him, a safety amongst his insecurity.

This avoids the stress of falling out of it

Pictures and snapshots greeted him on the walls; pictures of smiling faces and a small happiness that meant the world to Hosuh. Some were of Dan, others of Stephen or all of them together. Hosuh stared up at them, twisting his hair in his fingers. His kind thought to what they were doing now, without him. There would be another picture taken, and Hosuh wouldn't be in it.

Are you tired of me yet?

Something like pain moved in his chest. Hosuh let out a small cry, placing a hand over his heart, his fingers tugging his shirt. The pictures were still above him, almost mocking. His hand reached up, tearing the largest from its nail on the wall. The smooth wooden frame pressed into his palm, his hold growing tighter and tighter as he stared at the smiling faces, the small happiness. Dan and Stephen's faces stared up into his own, bright and joyful.

Glass splintered and wood cracked as Hosuh threw it against the wall. Despite his aggressive act, his face was still calm. A shard of glass had caught his lower arm, and Hosuh inspected it, tracing its edge. Almost hypnotically, he pushed it in further, flinching as pain radiated from his arm.

I may be a little sick right now but I swear

In one swift movement, Hosuh had yanked out the shard, throwing it away from him. His legs took him upstairs, his mind sluggish, as he tried to let sleep claim him – all of a sudden any energy left him, leaving him staring at the ceiling, staring up at the cracks.

When I'm ready I will fly us out of here

It's morning again and Hosuh follows the routine as always, dragging his feet across the carpet as he moved to the bathroom.

By The Way, Danplan OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora