Cuckoo's Nest (2)

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Chapter Text
Jay glared up at the door, throwing all his weight against it. His shoulder burned but one thought pulled through his head, burying the pain.

Hosuh's in there. Get him out. Hosuh's in there. He shouldn't be.

"Jay – stop!" Dan shouted. Jay wasn't even sure why he or Stephen came, seeing as they didn't even enter the visiting room. But now the hospital was on lockdown, and they were all stuck because the patients were running loose on the other side of the wall.

And Jay wanted to get past the wall.

"Shut up." Jay gritted his teeth, slamming himself against the door again. It buckled, and slowly it edged open. "Haven't you done enough? You thought it was best throwing him in this hell hole? And now look!" Jay pulled open the door, rolling up his sleeve.

Hosuh's in there.

"Jay, he was sick – " Stephen didn't even sound sure of his own words. Jay turned on him, snarling.

Get him out.

"Why the fuck did you send him here? I'm getting him out." Jay turned away, unable to look at his ex-friends any longer. "He's going to get real help."

Hosuh's in there.

"Jay –"

"Save it." Jay growled, eyes darkening.

He shouldn't be.

Jay didn't look back as he stepped through the doorway, ignoring their begs for him to stay

Hosuh drummed his toes against the white floor, biting his lip. The grin stayed on his face as his eyes scanned the area, unfocused. A temporary euphoria had stolen him away and he let his grin grow. Gwisin was watching him, but Hosuh ignored him.

There was a window at the end of the hallway, with a small amount of light shining through. It was covered by thick, metal bars but Hosuh longed to see the daylight again. His feet acted on their own accord. He was suddenly running to the window, laughing loudly. The other wails and screams were white noise in his ears as he stared out into the sky he hadn't seen in too long.

It wasn't a particularly beautiful day; no sunsets or rainbows or clear skies – it was actually raining. Hosuh pressed his cheek against the bars, moaning. He wanted to jump out, feel the air on his face. There was nothing wrong with him really, nothing to keep him inside here.

But the hallways twisted around him, leading to numerous floors and rooms – all white. All washed and cleaned. Nothing to see here.

Hosuh let out a scream, banging his head against the metal. The pain was refreshing against his skull, making him think straighter. Gwisin was cackling behind him.

"Go 'way." Hosuh muttered. The laughing stopped, and Gwisin was gone. His blue eyes scanned over the halls, darting left and right. Both ways were dark. Blink and they were coated in blood, hearts still thumping on the floor. Blink and there were hands reaching out to grab him, shut him back in his white, white room. Hosuh screamed, stumbling backwards. He ducked as a hand reached out to him, its pearly white fingers trying to clasp his ankle.

"No no no." Hosuh muttered. The word rolled of his tongue like a chant. "No no no!" Hosuh shrieked. Heart drumming in his chest, he sprinted down the hall to his left. Terror made him blind; there were more hands trying to get him, pull him away. Hosuh didn't want to go away, never again. He yelled, his throat aching. His hair was fanning out behind him, small strands tangling over his ears and face. He kept running, running away from the bright light that was going to suffocate him, the hands that were coming towards him –

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