Can You Survive On A Desert Island? (3)

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The sun rose for the third time since he, Jay, Hosuh and Daniel had been stranded on the island, and its bright rays forced Stephen out of his fitful slumber. Beside him, Jay was still dead to the world, his ankle carefully splinted by sticks.

Other than that, things hadn't gotten much better.

Hosuh was still mostly unconscious; although the bleeding has stopped, his head still pained him, leaving him moaning on the ground. Daniel had tried to salvage things from the plane to make a shelter, but it was easier said than done. Most of it was useless, or they didn't know how to make it useful. They only managed to make a small shelter by a tree. Thankfully, it hadn't rained yet. But it was only a matter of time.

On the other hand, rain was needed, as they had ran out of water the other night. Food was scarce, and though Stephen knew he would be fine for another day or two, he worried about Jay and Hosuh.

They needed the food the most for healing. Jay was forced to stay grounded, and Hosuh wasn't aware of what was going on anymore. Daniel was the only other that could help.

"Looks like its going to rain." Dan's voice noted from behind him. Bracken snapped as he moved out of the trees, holding something in his hands.

"You got some fruit?" Stephen asked, smiling for the first time in days.

"Yeah!" Daniel sat down, grabbing some glass to start cutting it. "There's more, but I didn't want to pick them all now. I got as many as I could."

"Fuck!" Stephen grinned, laughing shakily. "I never thought I would be this excited to see fruit!" Daniel laughed with him, pulling Jay from his sleep. His cheeks, Stephen noticed suddenly, were slightly flushed. He hoped it wasn't from fever.

"What did I miss?" Jay asked, yawning. His yawn turned into a cough. Still, he wore a small smile, which grew at the sight of the fruit. "Fruit?"

"I hope it's juicy." Daniel muttered, carefully placing the fruit he sliced on another piece of glass. "I'm already thirsty again."

Jay dragged himself forward, pulling himself up against a tree with a wince. He grabbed a piece of fruit, biting into it.

"It tastes like a peach, but it's not furry like one." Jay grinned at them. "But it's nice!"

Daniel, now finished with cutting, bit into one himself. Stephen laughed, taking the cut pieces to Hosuh, who still lay asleep.

"Hosuh..." Stephen gently shook his shoulders. Hosuh gave a moan, blinking his eyes open. They were still clouded with concussion.

"Oh hey..." Hosuh smiled at him, blinking around. "Where are we?"

"Still on the island, remember?" Stephen told him gently, pushing some hair out of his face. Hosuh thought for a minute, then gave a small "oh."

Stephen carefully encouraged Hosuh into a more upright position. Unlike the other times, Hosuh managed to do it partly himself, giving Stephen small hope.

"Here. Look what Dan found." Stephen smiled, showing Hosuh the cut pieces of fruit. Hosuh blinked.

"I'm not that hungry." He replied eventually. Stephen shook his head, placing a piece in Hosuh's hand.

"We haven't eaten for a few must be." When Hosuh shook his head, Stephen continued. "Well, you need something. Just try it."

Hosuh hesitantly placed the slice in his mouth, chewing slowly. Stephen rubbed his shoulder, earning a small smile.

"Eat as much as you can. I'm going to try and find some water." Stephen moved away from him, grabbing a fruit and taking a big bite. It felt good to have something in his stomach, and it boosted his moral.

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