Sweet Silence

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Comments and votes are appreciated, so I know whether you guys want this or not.
This is the winner of the voting thing a while ago, which was "Hosuh goes deaf in one way or another and Stephen and Dan help him get through it"
Haven't proof read this so there may be word/spelling errors sorry

Hosuh grinned, along a hand through his hair. The strands twisted on his fingers as Stephen talked over the phone.

"I swear, tomorrow morning Hosuh! We can have – " Stephen gasped "oh my god we could have a sleepover!"

Hosuh giggled, sitting down on his chair. Unfinished work lay abandoned on the desk, pushed aside for the phone call.

"I don't think you can get here in a day, Stephen." Hosuh pointed out. " I live quite far away from you."

"Well I'm kinda already at the airport."

Hosuh felt himself blush, letting out a noise of frustration.

"What if I said no?" He asked, playing with a pen on the desk. He heard Stephen laugh at the other end of the phone.

"No one says no to Stephen!"

"Hosuh might."

Stephen laughed loudly along with Hosuh.

"Well, I don't want your phone to die." Hosuh's own phone was on a low percentage, and they had been talking for a while. Stephen was about to argue, but Hosuh gently cut him off. "We've been talking for a while – I'll call you at about nine, okay?"

"If you insist, my good Hosuh!" Stephen replied. "Until then!"

"Until then." Hosuh answered softly, hanging up. The phone screen flickered, the battery bar flashing alarmingly, and he quickly plugged in the charging cable. Sighing, he leant back in his chair, watching the night grow darker. The paper still lay scattered in front of him, uninviting. With a more annoyed sigh, Hosuh grabbed the pen and scrawled down a few sentences. His mind was determined to distract him, his imagination forcing his pen to make doodles in the corner.

With a groan, Hosuh tore of the edge of paper with the graffiti, throwing it across the room. It landed on his bed, bouncing with the other objects cluttered on the sheets.

Yawning, Hosuh pushed the paper away from him. His brain was too tired to function, let alone work.

The long haired stretched with a grunt, standing from his low hunch. His back cracked and Hosuh winced, bending backwards.

Hosuh strode across the room, aiming to yank all the clutter from his bed, but something caught his ankle. Hosuh tripped at the sudden stop of momentum, a small yell escaping his lips as his hands automatically reached out to try and stop his fall. His fingers only reached air, and Hosuh's head collided on the desk corner. There was a sickening crack.

Hosuh fell to the floor, feeling the blood rush from his head. It was warm, but it was the only thing he could comprehend before he blacked out.


There was something stabbing his head, he was sure of it; the pain was blinding, forcing Hosuh out of whatever state of unconsciousness he had put himself in. Groaning loudly, he opened his eyes slightly, wincing at the sharp sun rays leaking through the window.

Hosuh closed his eyes again, the pain pulsing steadily underneath them. Something was on his face, and Hosuh realised it was blood – there was a small puddle underneath him, staining the carpet.

He didn't know how long he lay there, his mind piecing itself together. At some point he realised it must be morning, which means he was unconscious for a long time – but not too long, as the sun was only beginning to rise, and the world was still quiet.

He also noted that, not only did he have a pain in his skull, that there was some pressure (he thought, anyway) behind his ears, making them ache.

Hosuh opened his eyes again; the world had stopped spinning, and the pain in his head had definitely died somewhat.

Slowly, he rose to his feet, gripping the desk for support. He made his way to the bathroom, figuring that he looked slightly frightening with blood covering his face and hair.

The door didn't squeak as it usually did when he opened it, which he was thankful as his head might've exploded – or something close. Hosuh bit his lip, shutting the door behind him and looking in the mirror.

It was worse than he thought.

Blood was clotted in his hair and even on his shirt, dry and sticky. He looked like he had starred in a horror movie, not just hit his head on the desk. He turned on the sink taps, moving to get a flannel. But he paused, mid-step.

Hosuh turned back to the sink, watching as water streamed into the bowl. He had paused because it was oddly silent – there was no sound of water hitting the bottom, no gurgling from the pipes. Hosuh's chest constricted, his hands brushing one of his ears.

He stomped his foot, eyes widening as there was no sound at all.

Hosuh's chest tightened quickly, his breaths coming out in wheezes – but he couldn't hear them.

He clapped his hands, feeling tears leak from his eyes as there was no sound , nothing.

Hosuh stumbled backwards, his back hitting the wall. He felt his throat vibrate as he let out some kind of noise, sliding onto the floor. He clamped his hands around his ears, body trembling.

"No..." To Hosuh his plea was supposed to be a shout, but it only came out as a whisper. He slammed his fist against the wall, wanting something, anything to be heard.

But he couldn't hear anything.

He could hear nothing.

Hosuh coughed, clawing his arms in a weak attempt to calm himself. His could barely breathe in the grips of his panic attack.

His head pounded sharply, and he closed his eyes quickly. He slid further down the wall, feeling hot tears roll down his cheeks. The lack of air was making his vision blacken at the edges, but he couldn't calm down.

Deaf. He was deaf.

Hosuh curled in on himself, letting out another chocked gasp as he buried his head into his arms.

Someone suddenly grabbed his wrist, and Hosuh's hand flew upwards, catching the intruder in the eye. He saw feet stumble away from him, and the person crouched.

His hands were pulled from his face again, and Hosuh tried to wrestle, looking up at the intruder. He felt his chest drop in relief at the sight of who it was.

Stephen was crouching in front of him, mouthing something to Hosuh. Hosuh shook his head and let out another wail – he couldn't bare to see a mouth without the sound of speech.

Stephen's hands cupped Hosuh's cheeks, his brown eyes staring deep into his own. They were worried and afraid, focusing on the large gash on his temple. The purple-haired said something else, his fingers parting the clotted hair stuck to his brow.

Stephen repeated the same thing over and over again, and Hosuh could only watch his mouth move around the words.

Hosuh wanted to shout the words, but they came out a whisper in reality, slurred and almost indistinguishable.

"I can't hear you." Hosuh felt Stephen tense as he trembled under his touch.

"I can't hear anything."

By The Way, Danplan OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now