Wow! Its been a long ass time.

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Hey guys, it's been awhile. I just logged back into my account for the first time in quite some time. I read a ton of messages about this book. When I first started writing 'Falling For Her' I was brand new to the app and a 12 year old. I started that book in August of 2016 and finished in September of 2016 (yes, I know it says I completed it in 2018). I had no idea what the hell I was doing. Looking back at this book I cringe a whole lot, but also cry a shit ton. I cringe because this is honestly a terrible book. I half assed the whole thing and put absolutely zero effort into it. It's like I was trying to see how fast I could finish it. I cry because I had no idea the amount of attention it would receive in these past three years. I appreciate everyone who read this book especially if you finished, because I can barley read it without wanting to take it down completely. I appreciate all the good and the bad comments I've ever received on this book. I have thought countless times about removing the book in its entirety, but i know that people out there love it (which if your one of those people I wanna give you the fastest hug EVER). I have decided I will never remove this book because it shows how much I've grown over the past three years. I was twelve going on thirteen then and I'm sixteen now. You change a whole lot in those years. I had no clue I would find myself back on this app. If you would have told me last year I'd be thinking about writing again I would've laughed my ass off. But I'm back and I'm definitely better. I see the mistakes I made and am determined to never make them again. I'm posting this because I wanna let you know where I've been and I want you guys to hold me accountable. I promise to rewrite 'Falling For Her'. It's something I know I can do so much better if I put my all into it. Which I'm promising to do.
Love you all bunches!
12/30/19 @ 12:05am

Side note- can't BELIVE I wrote fucking sex scenes as a whole ass CHILD. Like my parents genuinely had no fucking clue. Also those parts of this book are fucking unbearable to read. I just cringe thinking about it. I didn't even known what I was talking about. I remember reading other books with sex scenes and using it as information for mine. LMFAO.

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