Chapter 2.10: Mary Had A Herd of Mareep

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On a fine, sunny day, Zia, Sky, and Emmy have stopped to take a break beside a river with a great view of rolling hills and gorgeous mountains.

"It's so pretty here." Zia commented, looking around as she nibbled on her sandwich. "Yeah, it's weawy pwetty." Emmy agreed with her mouth full of Pokémon food. Suddenly, her face turned blue as a piece got lodged in her throat.

"AH! Emmy!" Zia shouted, fretting over the choking Pokémon. The grass-type was starting to get woozy from the lack of oxygen. Sky, who was sitting beside her rolled her eyes before generating some electricity, touching the Serperior with her paw.

The shocking current was enough to startle Emmy as her body managed to swallow the food past her esophagus. "How many times have I told you not to chew with your mouth full?" The Luxray asked, peeved.

The other just smiled bashfully before they heard the tinkle of a bell. Looking for the source, they found a blue sheep-like Pokémon with black and yellow horns on the side of its head. An orange ball at the end of its tail. It also wore a pink bow with a bell around its neck.

Mareep: The Wool Pokémon
If static electricity builds in its body, it's fleece doubles in volume. Touching it will shock you.

"It's completely adorable." Zia cooed towards the small electric sheep. Suddenly, the Mareep started charging towards them. "It's not so cute now! Run for your lives!" Emmy exclaimed, slithering out of the way.

Unfortunately, Sky wasn't so lucky as the sheep tackled her. Annoyed at being knocked into, the Luxray released electricity in self-defense. However, it didn't do anything to the other. Actually, it seemed to enjoy the extra shock.

It's fleece expanded as it soaked up the electricity. "Well... that's something." Zia scratched her head. Rumbling in the distance caught their attention as they looked to see a whole herd of Mareep running towards them.

Or more specifically, Sky. "Help me! Help!" She pleaded as the Mareep surrounded her, burying her in the pile as they tried to pull her electricity from her to puff up their fleece. "Guys, come on. Let my Pokémon go!" Zia grunted, trying to pull the Mareep off.

Sky, trying to fight them off, let out another discharge. All it did was soak into their wool. "Stop. Leave that Pokémon alone! You all know better than to gang up on another Pokémon like that. Now, stop it!" A girl arrived, running towards the ruckus.

The Mareep with the pink bow and bell pulled out of the pile at the sight of the small girl. She went up to the rest, attempting to pull them off of poor Sky. "Leave that Pokémon alone I said! That electricity is not for you, now get away! Somebody's gonna get hurt. Now, come on, get away I said." The girl tried before being thrown back.

"Are you okay?" Zia asked, concerned. The Mareep with the bow walked over, also checking on her. "Fluffy, why won't they listen?" She asked it. "Mary!" And older voice called as they looked over to see a woman standing next to a Raichu. "It's mommy." The girl whispered.

"Raichu, use thunderbolt." The woman ordered as her partner shot electricity at the Mareep. Attracted to the source, they left the Luxray alone to get closer to the Raichu letting off the electric attack.

However, one Mareep stayed attached to Sky as she managed to stand up. It didn't seem to mind that the others were getting a free electricity shower as they danced around happily, only worrying about the Luxray. "It seems you've got an admirer, Sky." Zia joked as the electric-type tried to walk away, only for the Mareep to follow, never stopping contact with her.

"Okay Raichu, that's enough. Everybody, let's head on back." The woman said, watching as the Mareep walked back to their corral. "Raichu, make sure they get back safely." She added to her companion. "Rai." It cried before running after them.

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