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Leo was curled among the thick bushes when the sound of a door creaking open awoke his fuzzy, sick mind. The youngest believed that for a moment, a brief moment, it was one of his brothers. A smell was wafting around near the door, and it smelt like Raph. Finally relived he was with at least one brother, the blue masked turtle got up slowly and moved out the bushes, but was not greeted in return equally. 

There were zookeepers all by the door, at least ten of them. One held a dart gun, if he rememebred correctly from documentaries, while another held a piece of cloth, where the smell was the strongest. The others all had their hands out in a herding motion; April was there, along with the much taller Casey, and they helped shield him from getting to the door. 

"Alright lads," The man with the gun said, shifting a little from his position, tightening his grip on the weapon, "Remember what the plan was and stick to it - it shouldn't fail." 

Blue wanted to climb away and get to his and his brothers' secret hideaway, where no human could touch him, but he was just too tired and ill. Moving was an effort and took energy, something he couldn't afford to lose too quickly. Leo favoured crouching low to the ground, making himself smaller, all the while staring his attacker in the eye. 

He thought maybe he could dodge once and they would only have one dart it would be over, but a loud bang from the windows on his right caught him off guard. He flinched at the noise and stared at the glass, taking his attention for just one second off of the people in front of him. A sharp pain pierced from his neck as he was shot, and he yelped in discomfort, pulling it from his skin. 

Immedietly,Leo felt the drugs take hold of him, making him feel drousy and loopy. The Ex-Leader knew it was a matter of time before he fell asleep, and so he tried to hide away, but failed to realise again that the zoo-keepers had manged to cut off any hideaways with their bodies. 

"Goodnight Baby Blue," He heard April whisper before the world turned black.


Donnie had never been so happy when his door opened and a crate was there, inside his immediete younger brother, Mikey. He'd heard them talking earlier about it, and was pleased they went through with the plan. The orange-banded brother's face lit up when he saw Donatello, and he leapt forward, clinging to him and bringing him down easily. 

"Easy there, Mike!" He laughed, hugging back. 

It had been strange since they were all separated. Don could understand the fascination with such a large, undiscovered breed of turtle, and the feeling to be able to work on something so amazing always thrilled him too, but splitting them and testing their uniqueness wasn't the way to go. Again, he was pleased to be a part of science, but not this invasive, and deffinetly not this stressful. Donnie was excited to know, however, that his other brothers would be reunited sometime soon or maybe were already together, and that they would be getting a bigger place. It's good, he thought, because that old place was cramped for the four of us!

Mikey nuzzled his head into Donnie's, bringing him back to reality a little. "Missed you, Don." He mumbled, taking a look at the small room they were being housed in, barely enough room to stretch two turtle-mutants in, but with an upper level, a small hideaway in the corner and colourful walls and food, it would have to do for now. It wasn't that warm though, however, and Mike shuddered a little, cuddling close. "Geez, you'd think they knew that cause we're cold-blooded we'd need a heat lamp or something!" 

"It turns on every once in a while." Don promised, patting the smaller turtle's shell, "It's such a small room that there's no escape if we want to cool down, it's a precaution."

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