1. Pink

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What's that word that means hello? The spider in Charlotte's web says it...

Kellin's pov

If I had common sense I'd cut my and curl up and die. I must not have any common sense then because that's the opposite of how I'm handling my problems.

I'm the type of boy who doesn't dwell on the bad in the world. Why would I? The good die young. Well, let's test that theory. I'll be a good boy and see if I die sooner than someone like my friend Ronnie.

Ronnie isn't the best person in the world but I understand some people have hard lives. He had to steal and cheat to get to where he is now. It's not my place to say someone like Ronnie is better or worse than me.

Maybe I should get off this topic? What to do... I walk around my hotel. That sounds like I own it, I don't. My parents own it. Everything in this place is pink. From the walls to the candy in the lobby.

I lay down in a random hallway and play with the carpet as I wave my feet in the air. My left-hand holds my face as my elbow keeps me up.

My thoughts dash around my brain keeping me from being bored. My parents built this hotel in order to go from middle class to upper class. We get a lot of people because we look so cute.

It was my idea to make it all pink. Of course, I was only 4 at the time so it really was my parents doing. I had no real say so but they listened to me.

It may seem ludicrous but my parents love me and listen to everything I have to say. I'm an only child but I think that's okay. More attention on me and I don't have to compete for their love.

I get up from the ground and skip up the stairs and to my room. We live here because- well... why not? I grab my pink Polaroid camera and go to my mirror. I'm matching everything in here. My pink skirt matches my pink crop-top, it is almost white but not quite.

My white thigh highs match my headband and shoes. Happily, I take a picture of myself and take the picture out and shake it as I skip down to the lobby.

"I'm going to the park," I chirp and my mom smiles and hugs me bye. She kisses the top of my head and tells me to be safe and back soon.

When I'm outside I look around and smile. I love outside. No matter where it is, if its outside I'll be happy there. I walk to the park with pep in my step. Oceans are cool. Beaches are pretty. Jungles are wild and every other biome is wonderful.

What a wonderful life. I'm happy I'm here, it's going to suck when I run out of time. Time is everything yet nothing at the same time. When I'm at the park I take a picture of a bird that has pink on it.

I take pictures of anything and everything with pink on it. Then I see more pink and I take a picture of him. It's a guy with a carebear shirt on. He looks at me seeming surprised and annoyed.

He comes up to me looking mad. "Can't I just walk in peace without some fucker taking a picture of me?" He says and my hands slip and my camera and my pictures all fall. He looks at the stuff and his face softens.

Fear enters my mind as I stare at the stranger. I didn't know someone would not want their picture taken. He doesn't even know me yet he's yelling at me. Why would he yell at me?

"You're not press?" He says and I run away from the mean guy with a British accent. I run all the way home and my mom looks ready to jump into action when she sees me.

"Are you okay? Do we need to go to the hospital?" She says frantically.

"No mom, I'm okay. A squirrel tried to get me... so I dropped my camera and left," I tell her walking over to the stairs as I talk.

"Oh, okay. I'll buy you a new one tomorrow," she says and I shake my head no.

"Its fine, maybe I can take piano lessons?" I ask and she smiles.

"Of course sweetie, anything for you," she says and I smile and go up the stairs to my room.

That was a lie about the squirrel but it is believable because squirrels always seem to hate me. Maybe its because when I was a toddler I called them queers. Maybe they took offense to it and the word got around.

I swear every time I encounter a squirrel it either tries to chase me, throw nuts at me, or bark at me. I try to talk to them and apologize but they don't seem to understand English. Maybe I can speak French to them?


Was he famous and thought I was trying to take a picture of him because of that? Oops... I just wanted to capture him in his pink shirt. Not to be judgemental but he seemed a bit 'emo' or like a 'bad boy' to be wearing that shirt.

I feel bad for making him mad. Nobody should feel annoyed enough to yell at a clueless person.

First thoughts?

What do you think of kellin?

How do you feel about where he lives and how his parents are?

Are you ready for this story??

(This story is going through editing but only for spelling and auto correct, I might edit it in depth later tho)

Time Bomb ♡Koli♡जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें