Saurosuchus and Herrerasaurus

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Saurosuchus is an extinct species of crocodilian that lived in South America during the Triassic period.

Saurosuchus is an extinct species of crocodilian that lived in South America during the Triassic period

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Diet: Small to medium sized creatures and was probably also a scavenger.

Casualties: One sheep and one Herrerasaurus; also took a bite out of a man and ripped off a dog's tail after the dog attacked it.

Cause of death: Killed by other Herrerasauruses.

Herrerasaurus was a carnivorous dinosaur that lived in South America. It is thought to be one of the earliest recorded dinosaurs.

Diet: Small and possibly medium sized creatures and was probably also a scavenger

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Diet: Small and possibly medium sized creatures and was probably also a scavenger.

Casualties: One rabbit and one Saurosuchus.

Cause of death: One killed by the Saurosuchus.

Anomaly incident: A Saurosuchus came through an anomaly that opened in the English countryside.

The Saurosuchus was soon followed by a trio of Herrerasauruses.

The Saurosuchus attack a flock of sheep and proceeded to kill one of them.

The morning after the attack, the farmer and his eldest son found the butchered body of the sheep.

Shocked by this find the pair along with some neighbors went out in search of their mystery killer.

Elsewhere a deer hunter spotted the Herrerasauruses and shot at them.

The Herrerasauruses got scared by the sound of the gun being fired and ran off before the man had time to reload his hunting rifle.

Meanwhile the ARC team received a signal from the anomaly and rushed to find it.

On arrival the team was confronted by the farmer's wife who proceeded to bombard them with questions on who they were, why they were here and if they had anything to do with the attack from last night.

After answering her questions, the ARC team began to also search for the creature.

ARC team soon found the remains of a rabbit that was almost just bones.

During there search, the ARC team came across the farmer's group who looked badly scratched, beaten and bruised.

They explained that they were attacked by "a lizard the size of a dog" and that it tore a chunk of flesh out of a man's leg forcing them to turn back.

While running away from the Saurosuchus, one of the dogs tried to fight off the crocodilian, but the creature bit down on the dog's tail and ripped it off causing the animal to run back to its master.

Later in the afternoon, the ARC team was called back to the farm where the Saurosuchus was cornered by a trio of Herrerasauruses.

Once they arrived at the farm, they found a Herrerasaurus in the Saurosuchus's jaws while the others were screeching and snapping their jaws at the crocodilian.

The Saurosuchus killed the first Herrerasaurus and turned on the two remaining ones.

The Herrerasauruses proceeded to take bites out of the Saurosuchus's body till the crocodilian collapsed.

The remaining Herrerasauruses began to rip out chunks of the Saurosuchus's body killing the crocodilian.

The Herrerasauruses were tranquilized and brought back through the anomaly.

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