Cygnus Falconeri

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Cygnus Falconeri was a giant swan that once lived on the islands of Malta and Sicily during the Mid Pleistocene. It grew to be about 190 to 210 cm in length from the top of its beak to the tip of its tail, had a wingspan of around 3 m and weighed in at approximately 16 kg meaning that it probably wouldn't have had the ability to fly, or at least not very well. It would have coexisted with equally disproportionate animals such as the tiny dog sized elephant Paleotoxodon Falconeri.

 It would have coexisted with equally disproportionate animals such as the tiny dog sized elephant Paleotoxodon Falconeri

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Diet: Same as modern day swans.

Casualties: None, but it did bite a lot of people and in the right circumstances it definitely would have been able to kill someone considering that it was a giant swan, and trust me swans can be really mean birds that should not be messed with.

Anomaly incident: An anomaly opened in the Atocha station in Madrid, Spain and a large male Cygnus Falconeri crossed through the anomaly.

The giant swan began to roam around the train station and predictively drew the attention of a lot of people.

Meanwhile at the ARC facility the anomaly's coordinates showed up on the monitors and an ARC team was quickly deployed to the anomaly's location.

Back at the train station the swan began to make its way through the crowds of people. The Cygnus Falconeri would continually hiss and nip at people who got too close.

It soon existed Atocha station and ran off into the city.

When the ARC team arrived in Madrid and was heading toward the anomaly's coordinates when the Cygnus Falconeri ran past them and then into traffic honking and flapping its 3 meter long wingspan the whole time.

The ARC team split up so one could take care of the anomaly and the others could go after the giant swan that was making quite a scene in the city.

As the ARC team gave chase to the giant swan they soon found themselves running after it on Gran Via.

The Cygnus Falconeri ended up going into a store with the ARC team in hot pursuit.

The giant swan was knocking over a lot of things and people in its panic, a result of all the noise and commotion.

The ARC team tried to tranquilize the animal, but only succeeded in hitting the merchandise and the zoologist (*******) ended up shooting captain (*****) in the leg knocking him out.

As the ARC team was trying to carry captain (*****) out of the store, the Cygnus Falconeri made its escape through the back door and was back to roaming the streets. Luckily the enormous bird was heading back towards Atocha station.

The other ARC team had gotten the people out of the train station and were now awaiting the possible arrival of other creatures that might cross through the anomaly.

What they weren't ready for was that the Cygnus Falconeri was now back in the station and heading towards them.

Luckily the ARC team noticed the giants flightless swan just in time for them to get out of the way as the Cygnus Falconeri ran past them and back through the anomaly just before it closed making sure that it stayed in its own time period.

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