Omnidens and Anomalocaris

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Before we start this part/chapter/episode I must say something. I will not be able to upload some new parts for a while as I will be very busy for the next few weeks. But don't worry because I will return and I promise to update this book as soon as possible. Now without further ado let's begin.

Omnidens was a 4.9 foot long ancestor of the modern day velvet worm that lived in what we now know as China during the Cambrian period.

It had gigantic mouth parts that were lined with long speer-like teeth that were probably used to impale and immobilize its prey. When it was hunting for food Omnidens most likely buried itself in the sand on the seafloor with its mandibles being the only visible parts of its body. When something swam near it, Omnidens would have lunged out of the sand and slammed its mouth parts together like a bear trap to grab its prey and then proceed to devour it.

 When something swam near it, Omnidens would have lunged out of the sand and slammed its mouth parts together like a bear trap to grab its prey and then proceed to devour it

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Diet: Other marine life.

Casualties: One carp and injured a man.

Anomalocaris was a part of the Anomalocarididae, a family of extinct creatures thought to be closely related to the first true arthropods. It lived all over the world during the time in earth's history know as the Cambrian.

Anomalocaris was first found in the Ogygopsis Shale named after the most common species discovered in that area, Ogygopsis. It wouldn't be long before more Anomalocaris fossils were found throughout the world including the Burgess Shale in British Columbia, Canada, a dig site famous for its abundance of Cambrian fossils.

Hilariously enough Anomalocaris was first thought to be different species since we only knew it from fossil fragments: the mouth was believed to be a type of jellyfish, whereas the frontal appendages were thought to  be the tail of a shrimp. Fortunately scientists figured out their mistake and quickly corrected it.

Anomalocaris was one of the first apex predators to have evolved and would have only needed to worry about the other apex predator of the Cambrian oceans, Omnidens.

Anomalocaris was one of the first apex predators to have evolved and would have only needed to worry about the other apex predator of the Cambrian oceans, Omnidens

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Diet: Small aquatic life.

Casualties: none.

Cause of death: One was caught by a fisherman.

Anomaly incident: An anomaly opened in Wraysbury Lake in England and a large Omnidens came through it and then buried itself in the sand and dirt of the lake bed.
(Now before all you hard science readers out there start texting me that the Omnidens and Anomalocaris would die because it's now in fresh water instead of salt water let me explain why I decided to do that: Suspense of disbelief. If I did everything by the book it wouldn't be entertaining. I hope you all understand now.)

It wasn't long before a carp swam near it and in a flash the Omnidens grabbed the fish and began to gorge itself on it.

As the Omnidens was feeding on its newly caught meal, a trio of Anomalocaris came through the anomaly and started to swim in different directions.

Meanwhile at the ARC facility the anomaly's coordinates appeared on the monitors and an ARC team was dispatched to deal with it.

But back at the lake one of the Anomalocarises came across a worm, but unbeknownst to it the worm it was about to grab and eat was on a hook. As soon as it grabbed the bait the fisherman at the other end of the fishing rod began to reel the ancient predator in.

Instead of catching one of the enormous carps that lived in Wraysbury lake, the fisherman was shocked to see the Anomalocaris dangling at the end of his fishing rod.

Thinking that he had just caught some new species of fresh water shrimp, he happily returned home, had the invertebrate stuffed and then mounted it on his wall.

Meanwhile the ARC team arrived at the anomaly's location and found one of the remaining Anomalocarises swimming near it. But as tech specialist (******) stepped into the shallow water from the boat to grab the Anomalocaris and push it back through the anomaly, he suddenly disappeared below the lake's surface.

A few seconds later he resurfaced grappling with the Omnidens that had its mandibles wrapped around his hips. The ARC team pulled (******) back onto the boat with the giant aquatic predator still holding onto him.

The ARC team worked furiously to pull the giant invertebrate off of (******), but it refused to let go. Finally team leader (****) pulled out his combat knife and stabbed the Omnidens in between its armor which caused it to let go and retreat back into the anomaly.

The ARC team split up so one group could bring (******) back to the lake shore for treatment while the other group would continue to search for the Cambrian trespassers.

A few hours later the remaining ARC team members arrived at the sunken dredger and it wasn't long before they spotted the two remaining Anomalocarises swimming inside of the shipwreck.

The ARC team got into their diving suits and swam into the ship. As the dive continued they were able to catch one of the Anomalocarises by cornering it, but the other proved to be a problem. Until paleontologist (*********) suggested using a fishing net to catch the last marine predator.

After an hour the ARC team successfully caught the final Anomalocaris and put it with the other in a decently sized holding tank that was filled with water.

When they got to the anomaly they took the two prehistoric creatures out of their holding tank and the Anomalocarises went back through the anomaly as it closed behind them.

As for the Anomalocaris that had been stuffed? Well it appeared in the newspaper and it wasn't long before the ARC team tracked down the fisherman who caught it and confiscated the trophy.

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