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Liaoningosaurus is definitely one of the most interesting species of Ankylosauridae.

It lived in China over 122 million years ago during the early Cretaceous and grew to be only 34 centimeters or 13 inches long, this currently makes it the smallest species of Ankylosauridae that we are aware of. Although some scientists believe that the fossils we currently have are from juveniles it has yet to be proven or disproven.

Liaoningosauru's size wasn't the only thing that made it stand out from the other species of Ankylosauridae. Unlike any other members of its family, Liaoningosaurus seems to have been adapted for a semiaquatic lifestyle.

On top of that, Liaoningosauru's fork-like teeth and sharp claws point to it having a diet that consisted of fish. This hypothesis is also supported by the discovery of fish bones inside of an individual's stomach. This would mean that it is the first Carnivorous or Omnivorous species of Ankylosauridae that we have discovered.

Finally, a fossil of Liaoningosaurus appears to show that it may have had armor covering its underbelly like modern day turtles, but this may also be fossilized skin; we still aren't sure which it is.

Finally, a fossil of Liaoningosaurus appears to show that it may have had armor covering its underbelly like modern day turtles, but this may also be fossilized skin; we still aren't sure which it is

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Diet: Fish and possibly aquatic vegetation.

Code names: Maria and Edgar.

Casualties: None.

Anomaly incident: An anomaly opened in the Le Meridian resort in Bora Bora and a pair of Liaoningosauruses swam through it.

The two aquatic Ankylosauridaes didn't attract a lot of attention at first because of their diminutive stature, but eventually some of the guests began to notice the duo after they started to climb up onto the beach.

Meanwhile the anomaly's signature popped up on the monitors in the ARC facility and an ARC team was dispatched to its location.

When the ARC team arrived in Bora Bora, they quickly set off to find the anomaly.

When they found that the anomaly opened up in the Le Meridian resort, they were slightly worried about the possibility of a large carnivore coming through the anomaly.

Meanwhile the Liaoningosauruses were currently enjoying their vacation by swimming in the lily pond located within the courtyard.

Only a few hours after their arrival the anomaly closed and the ARC team got ready to head back to the ARC facility thinking that they got an uneventful day. Unfortunately for them they were about to be proven wrong.

As the ARC team walked past the reception desk tech specialist (*******) overhead a couple complain to the staff about a pair of strange looking turtles that were occupying their bungalow.

Hearing this he told the other team members that he was going to go check something out and that he would join up with them soon.

Anomaly researcher (*****) offered to come with him to which (*******) replied that he wouldn't mind the extra help.

When (*******) and (*****) got to the bungalow they found traces of something having been there, but no sign of these strange turtles. They began to search the resort for any possible signs of the creatures.

Eventually they got to the turtle center. And there swimming alongside the sea turtles were the Liaoningosauruses.

After (*******) and (*****) were able to catch the armored animals they reported back to the rest of the ARC team and headed off to join up with them.

Liaoningosaurus incident 1, Aprosdokitos incident 2 and Gargantuavis incident 5: During another one of Houdini's escapes the little chick ended up opening the doors to the Aprosdokitos and Liaoningosaurus pens.

This resulted in their caretakers chasing them all over the ARC facility. It took about an hour before the caretakers were able to round them all up and get them back into their holding pens.

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