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Helveticosaurus was a strange looking marine reptile that lived during the middle Triassic 242 million years ago in what we now know as southern Switzerland. Of course, during the Triassic period, Switzerland was far from being the mountainous country we see today. Instead it would have been primarily coastline, swamps and rocky shores.

Helveticosaurus could grow to be 6.6 feet long or 2 meters. It had four huge and powerful paddle-like flippers that allowed it to not only steer with relative ease when swimming, but may have also been used to pull its large body out of the water and onto land like what we see modern day sea lions do. Helveticosaurus also possessed a long, flexible and powerful tail that propelled it through the water at great speeds. Finally, unlike most of the marine reptiles, Helveticosaurus had a short, box-shaped skull that was filled with sharp teeth. Although the purpose for Helveticosaurus's short and robust head is still unknown.

 Although the purpose for Helveticosaurus's short and robust head is still unknown

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Diet: Unknown, but most of its adaptations point to a predatory lifestyle. So probably small fish and marine invertebrates.

Casualties: None, but one Helveticosaurus did sustain a nasty bite to its face.

Anomaly incident: An anomaly opened in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida during a golf tournament and a group of six Helveticosauruses came out of it and then entered the water hazard at the fourteenth hole.

Meanwhile at the tenth hole, agents (****) and (*******) who were supposed to be on vacation for the next two week, got an urgent call from the ARC facility telling them that an anomaly opened near their position and they were then asked to go deal with it since they were the closest personnel they had to its location. Agent (****) then remarked to his colleague "So much for our vacation."

When they got the the fourteenth hole, they found the group of Helveticosauruses swimming all around the water hazard.

The agents then realized that they had absolutely nothing to use to get the marine reptiles back into the anomaly.

Before agents (****) and (*******) could figure out a solution for their Triassic sea lion problem, the golfers and their audience arrived at the fourteenth hole.

Obviously everyone was surprised by the arrival of the Helveticosauruses. And as if that wasn't already enough of a problem for the agents, the game was being recorded. Before the agents could do anything else another Helveticosaurus came out of the anomaly.

The newcomer immediately swam towards the largest of the original six and seemed to challenge it for leadership of the pod by snapping its jaws and roaring.

As the challenge was accepted, the two Helveticosauruses began to wrestle with each other and eventually the fight was pushed onto land with the two creatures slamming their bodies against one another like male elephant seals.

While agent (*******) ran to turn off the cameras that were filming the event, (****) tried to separate the two fighters, but was unsuccessful in his attempts.

The two combatants started with slamming their bodies and tail against each other, but it soon escalated to biting the opponent's flippers, body, neck and face.

Finally the first Helveticosaurus bit down hard on the challenger's head. This ended the fight between the two marine reptiles and sent its smaller opponent retreating back through the anomaly.

Then agent (****) got an idea on how to get the Helveticosauruses back through the anomaly.

He began to mimic the same roars that the challenger had made when it confronted the bull. And just as he expected, the bull began to move straight towards him, thinking that he was another challenger trying to steal its harem.

(****) ran through the anomaly with the bull and its harem hot on his tail. Quickly, he climbed up a rocky outcrop to escape the angry male.

Luckily the bull soon lost interest and left with the females following it. This gave agent (****) enough time to run back through the anomaly and his own time period.

The two agents spent the rest of the day in their hotel rooms relaxing with no other creatures coming through the anomaly until it closed.

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