Cryolophosaurus and Glacialisaurus

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Cryolophosaurus was a Theropod dinosaur from Jurassic Antarctica. It is best known for the crest on top of its head. And for some reason some people think that the crest looks like Elvis Presley's hair, but I don't see the similarities.



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Diet: Small to medium sized creatures

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Diet: Small to medium sized creatures.

Casualties: One Glacialisaurus.

Glacialisaurus was an Antarctic Prosauropod from the mid-Jurassic. It probably would have been one of the more common types of dinosaurs in the area at the time.

 It probably would have been one of the more common types of dinosaurs in the area at the time

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Diet: Plants

Casualties: One woman, and one Glacialisaurus did gouge out the right eye of the male Cryolophosaurus during their battle.

Cause of Death: One was killed by the Cryolophosaurus couple.

Anomaly incident: An anomaly opened in the Rocky Mountains and a herd of Glacialisauruses came through it.

The ARC team was dispatched to send the Antarctic Prosauropods back to their own time period.

Meanwhile a pair of Cryolophosauruses also crossed through the anomaly and began to follow the smell left behind by the Glacialisaurus herd.

The Glacialisauruses had made their way down the mountain and onto a hiking trail where they were spotted by a group of hikers.

When the ARC team arrived they found multiple footprints that led them down the mountain and they soon ran into the Cryolophosaurus couple.

As the ARC team was about to tranquilize them, the female Cryolophosaurus smelled them and quickly the two turned around. Seeing the ARC team caused them to run away.

The ARC team tried to catch up with the crested predators, but the Cryolophosauruses were too fast and got away.

The team members decided to split up into two groups. One to keep following the footprints and the other to continue chasing the Cryolophosaurus couple.

Meanwhile back on the hiking trail the Glacialisaurus herd was turning a corner when a female hiker did the same. This startled the herd and made the lead Glacialisaurus hit the woman with its front legs. Unfortunately the Glacialisaurus's claws cut a main artery and the woman bled to death.

The ARC team later came across the body and reported this find to the park rangers.

At the same time the Cryolophosauruses had found the Glacialisaurus herd and were about to attack when the team members that were tracking them finally caught up with the Antarctic theropods.

The Cryolophosauruses were once again caught off guard by their pursuers and let out a loud screech of surprise.

When the Glacialisauruses heard the voice of their natural enemy they turned around and began to stampede back up the mountain.

When the ARC team that was following the Glacialisaurus herd saw them running straight towards them they quickly clambered up the nearest trees to escape the oncoming stampede.

The Cryolophosaurus couple dogged the tranquilizer darts fired by the ARC team and headed back towards the anomaly.

Both groups reunited with each other and directed the Antarctic dinosaurs back through the anomaly, but before all the Glacialisauruses had made their way through the anomaly, the male Cryolophosaurus bit down on the slowest one and a battle started.

The Cryolophosauruses and the Glacialisaurus's fighting forced them back through the anomaly.

Unfortunately team leader (*****) was knocked through the anomaly as well.

Fortunately he was able to get back before the anomaly closed behind him.

Later he would describe that the Glacialisaurus gouged out the right eye of the male Cryolophosaurus, but that the female had grabbed the Glacialisaurus's neck and threw it to the ground, then her mate got up and began to tear into the Glacialisaurus' stomach killing it.

While the two were distracted by their kill (*****) was able to sneak around them and get back to the twenty-first century.

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