[7] Stardelight's New Smores Frappuccino

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"LEFT!" Rin yelled.

"I know!"

I yelled in reply as I skidded to a stop and just charged the rest of the way through, and by the time I reached out and slammed the elevator button, I was just drained.

"You need to exercise more." Rin tsked.

"Say that to a person who hasn't been out of bed for a week." I shot back.


"You need to..."


Forgetting what I was going to say, I stepped inside the elevator and pressed the G-floor button. A brief moment later the door closed, and it was just us inside.

"Ground floor, main entrance to the left, 300 meters, it's on the first floor."


At 6th floor, the door opened all of a sudden as a sickly elderly women steped inside. Instinctively I pulled down my sleeves to cover the hologram projection from my wrist, and for a moment it seemed to work. Next thing I knew, I was reaching for my glove. With my hand already in the breast pocket, I became paralyzed in thought.
Did I really have to hide it?

Slowly, my hand fell away from my breast pocket and I let it fall to my side. The elderly women seemed to pay no attention to me, probably because she was literally blind judging from the cane she was holding. Thankfully there was no passengers after her, and by the time I reached ground floor, I realized I had been sweating and could barely breathe.

"Are you still alright? Did the blind old lady scare you?" came Rin's muffled voice from my sleeve. Although I could not see her projection at the time, just from her tone I could tell she was having the time of her life teasing me.

"Yeah, you seen the size of her cane?" I turned to Rin.

"Biggers than yours at least." She snickered.

"What does that mean?" I looked to her confusingly.

"Nothing." She responded innocently.

Irritated, I took a quick peek at my wrist, but instead of the holographic figure I was expecting, all I got was this blue floating icon:


Oh just wait until I get cross dimensional powers, I will make you wish you were never programed...

With an angry sigh I rolled up my sleeve again, and kept on walking. The lobby was spacious and only had a few people, and thankfully none were looking in my direction. I quickly found myself stepping through the automatic doors and into the outside. The outside hadn't changed, the streets were still packed with people, cars and occasional punks on hover boards. Nothing had changed since my rehabilitation and to some degree I found myself missing the outside. It was probably because I had been in the hospital for far too long. I began to run, slow at first, then gradually faster and faster. I couldn't stop, there was just this mysterious energy coursing through my veins. Several times I came close to running into people, but it didn't stop me. In fact the more I ran, the closer I came close to this nostalgic feelings of me running down the street at max speed trying to save Illyria. Running with a purpose, without bounds, it made me feel great, it almost made me get hit by a car, almost. Another inch and I would have had to get a whole new robotic body. The driver was unhappy with me obviously, so I quickly apologized and retreated back onto the crosswalk.

"You're not going to get a whole robotic body for free you know?" I could barely make out Rin's tiny voice with all the traffic.

"Very funny." I replied in a sarcastic voice.

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