[45] A Dance of Steel

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The moment the command was uttered we rushed into position. The squad split into 2 groups running to encircle Soulsteel. Instead of leaping out and interrupting our formation, Soulsteel just stood in the center laughing like a stereotypical supervillain:

"HUEHUEHUE! GOOD! GOOD! Come at me underlings!"

Everyone was into position, pointed and loaded.

"Fire!" Isa shouted through the headpiece. With all the shots going off at the same time, the whole place lit up like a massive ring of fire, as thousands of shells hit the ground like rain drops, and at the center where Soulsteel stood, dust and earth flew everywhere.

"Halt." Isa snapped, the firing stopped at once and the place went as quiet as a graveyard. The firing had lasted for a minute, but it felt like it had been an eternity. As we all kind of just stood still and stared at the center, trying to get a good peak through the dust.

"Close..." a voice came from the center. As the dust cleared Soulsteel's cocoon became visible. The steel cocoon was dented and had small cracks here and there, but knowing it had just withstood a thousand rounds of fire, and no matter how much I hate Soulsteel, his toughness was to be respected.

"But underlings are underlings after all. Your prized technology is no more than fancy trash in front of real magic..." a voice came through the crack of the shell, "Now, allow me to show you all what is true power!"

The shell began to shake, followed with a sudden extended fist breaking the front of the shell. Then with two hands, Soulsteel pried open the crack and whole thing just kind of split in half. Then with an arrogant sneer, he stepped away from his now shattered cocoon and ripped off his shirt. As unnecessary as I found his action, I couldn't help but be a little envious.

Ok, quite envious...

"Everyone hold your position and fire at my command!" Isa barked orders, and Soulsteel didn't seemed to mind, as he stood in his place and began to stretch out.

"Ready," Isa paused and held up one fist, "and FIRE!"

A ring of fire lit up once again, but this time, instead of standing still in his place like he had before, Soulsteel leaped like a hundred feet into the air and attached himself to the ceiling for a moment, then aimed and launched himself towards the back of the cavern. A desperate wave of fire tried to follow Soulsteel's movement, as he dodged them without seemingly making any effort. Several MS in Soulsteel's landing area tried to move away, but it was too late, and landing on the poor man Soulsteel pinned him to the ground. Several soldiers pulled back and began fire, but Soulsteel parried the shots with one hand and inhuman reaction. Then in a flash of arcing silver, the MS who was firing at him, and his 3 comrades several meters apart from him, fell to the ground, unmoving.

This is S level threat...

10 times more powerful then all your enemies faced combined...

Isa's comment lingered in my head.

"FIRE! DO NOT STOP OR ELSE YOU'RE DEAD MEAT!" Isa's voice was strong but signs of falling morale was obvious. Soldiers were abandoning their positions, trying to make a run for safety, only to be cut down like livestock by Soulsteel, one after another.


It was a shot that silenced all the others, and the first one in a while that Soulsteel dodged. A split second later, a sizable explosion went of on the wall behind Soulsteel hundreds of feet back.

"Close..." Soulsteel commented, who remained in the same limbo position, as he slowly props up his back again.


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