[31] Counter Attack

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Panic gripped my heart, yet my instincts still managed to kick in as I dragged Rumble's body behind one of the pillars.


Panting, it was a minute before I could think properly again.

Red dot...a sniper!

In this fog?

A Rumble's breathing was steady and slow beside me.

"Rumble!" I quickly looked to him.

"Agh...curse that bastard!"

"Are you alright?"

"What do you think blind man?"

"Pretty bad."

"Yeah. A graze on the side of the head, it's painful as hell! Agh..." Rumble yelled. It was obvious that he felt excruciating pain, as he feebly tried to lift one of his arm. I helped him remove his helmet, but he flinched so violent, it was as if something bit his head off.

"Aghhhh...how does it look?"

The cut wasn't deep, but the wound ran from all the way from one side of his forehead to the back. My stomach did backflips and I almost lost my lunch, but I couldn't just turn away.

"Just spit it out, how bad is it?"

After a moment of weighing my words, I replied:

"Suits you handsomely." I cracked a small smile.

"You lying bastard, but I will take it." He grinned.

"Can you stand up?"

"You will have to carry me, my prince."

"Curses, we don't have time for that kind of shit."

"Aww, fine."

Using the pillar as a support, Rumble managed to wiggle upright. But the moment he stood, he began to fall forwards, like a bean bag that lost support, luckily I was there to catch him.

"No, I can walk myself." Rumble pushed me aside, before I could offer further aid.

"No, you're going to..."


I figured it was impossible to talk him out of it, so I decided to just let him try.

"Fine. I want you to leave then, go to somewhere safe."

"I don't need a brat to tell me what to do."

"Whatever, I will take it from here."

"Take what from here?"

We stared at each other for a moment, and just as I was about to speak up, Rumble quickly cut me off:

"No. Don't tell me you're planning on fighting the enemy..."

"By myself, yes."

"Are you stupid? You're just gonna suicide!"

"I have a plan."

"And your plan is stupid just like you."

"Just shut the hell up and listen. You're going to run, and I am going to distract."

"In case you are retarded: Spartazans don't run, we fight to an honourable death."

"Now that's suicide. If there is only one sniper, at the very least you can make it out alive."

"You don't even know what the enemy..."

"The enemy's a sniper. Isa said the fog is a natural RF shielding. So the sniper didn't use satellite to target us. So he must have done it manually."

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