[12] Ms. Nuts

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"Curses! How do I even find this cursed weasel?" I said as I slammed my hand against the street sign beside me so hard, my hand went numb from shock for a moment.

"Punching public property like a kid won't solve anything." Rin said, followed with a sigh.

"Shut the hell up, it's not like you have an idea where the thing is or something..." I said my lips folding into thin line.

"No, no, no~" she cut me off as she wagged her hologram finger at me.

"You see, I have a built in self-global positioning satellite system also linked together with a satellite targeting system. Anything the satellite sees, I see. So if you want help from me, you should consider changing your attitude ..." she said, yawning.


She had me there. But honestly I didn't see any chance of me completing the mission without her help. And for that past week, my pride had taken a big dive, not that's it was much to begin with...

But lowering my pride to an AI, that's living off my arm like a parasite? I have definitely hit a new level of low...

"Fine. Can you please help me with this mission?" I said, though I couldn't help but roll my eyes over at the same time.

"Where's the spirit? I can't hear you~"

Curses! I swear once I get cross dimensional powers...

"Hurry up! I am getting tired..." she continued.

"My lady Rin, would you please lend me a hand in this situation?"

"En, en!" She nodded with satisfaction, then continued: "I am now linking my sensors to the satellite now, the map should display anytime now."

She finished her sentence then her hologram image was replaced with a blue on black wire frame globe. The globe began to gradually zoom in on one point. A few moment later, a tag of my whereabouts popped up on the map.

"Now for the real show..." as Rin spoke, the map began to flatten itself into a standard two dimensional map, with cluster of blue dots overlapping one another, with an exception of a white circle in the very center.

"I am guessing that's white circle is me." I blurted out.

"Correct, those blue circles here are..." Before Rin could finish I cut her off once again:

"The blue dots are humans right?"

"Aghhh!!! Can't you just let me finish explaining?" Rin yelled, followed by angry Kaomoji right in my face:

(╬ Ò﹏Ó)

"Fine, my bad. But all I see is humans, I don't see any elementals at all..."

"Simple, just stay still. I am going to run an area scan." The Kaomoji said, revealing the map once again. Though before I could ask what area scan even meant, an unfamiliar voice came out of my arm:

"All System online. System synchronizing. Satellite link enabled. Search keyword: Flaming weasel. Running area scan, objective view point from host. Dimensions: 10x10x10km. Confirmed volume 1000km3. Running diagnostics..."

Even though I knew it had to be Rin. But her that time was so much more robotic and deep, though it still sounded female. It was far from her usual annoying childish voice, but to be honest, I much preferred the latter. The former just didn't really fit her.

"Diagnostics complete. Target is 2.3 km away, 67o to your left." Rin said in her deep robotic voice, a moment later a red dot appeared on the map.

​"That's the target right?" I asked, just to be sure.

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