Chapter 9: Injuries

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Harry and the four bullies talked and fucked around for a while, about half an hour. Dudley had sat on the floor below the tree playing on his gameboy silently the whole time. He glared at the group now and then but none but Harry paid attention. Harry had been smiling while they talked and pitched in every once in a while, but his hand was grabbing the edge of the bench as he felt white hot pain run through his body. 

It was now confirmed that one of his ribs were pressing against his lung, but luckily it didn't hurt if he took shallow and soft breaths. Multiple ribs were cracked because of Vernon's doing as well as the fight, his leg was probably fractured or something like that and his ankle was either sprained or broken, he couldn't really tell. That was only his right leg, his left leg was fine, just a few bruises and cuts. Besides the fact that two of his toes were broken for sure and a few cracks could probably be on his foot or ankle. 

It could've been worse.

His head most likely has a few chips and breaks here and there from Petunia and the impact on the fence. It was amazing how he hadn't gotten a concussion yet, well he doesn't think he has one. One of his shoulders are definitely dislocated and the others has got a massive bruise going from his collarbone to his upper arm. His arms were chipped and his left wrist was definitely fractured, somehow his fingers weren't broken only cuts on his fingers. Although a large yellow and purple bruise had overtaken the back of Harry's hand, leading down to his fracture wrist. It didn't hurt too much now, but it certainly would soon. Finally, his face. From what Harry could feel without touching, he had a cut on his forehead and a few cuts on his cheek. 

4:23pm. Harry decided he would not be able to sit still without asking what his face looked like, he asked Dennis who was sitting next to him on his gameboy.

"Hey, Dennis?" said boy lifted his head up towards Harry after pausing his game. 


"Do you have something I can look at my face with?" he asked, his hand clutching the bench harder, his knuckles turning a pale white. 

4:25pm. The pain in his jaw was excruciatingly painful, the adrenaline must have blocked it out until now.

"Uh... I don't think so. Why?"He asked putting his gameboy down.

"My face hurts like shit, and I wanna know what it looks like" Harry explained, his knuckles were ripped and bleeding which was not helping with the pain of stretching his skin so hard it turns white.

4:26pm. Dennis chuckled slightly, "No, I don't have anything like that, but I can tell you what it looks like if you want?" Harry nodded since talking felt like he was setting fire to his whole jaw. "Well, you've got a humongous  bruise on your jaw. Fuck, it looks worse now that I'm properly focused on it, it's all purple and shit. There's a shit load of blood from your nose and mouth, looks like you just been in war or some shit. You've got like three splits on your bottom lip and two on your top, which, for the record, and still bleeding." Dennis moved his head to the side to see on Harry's right side. "Oh my god, there's a giant cut on the side of your head... can I move your hair quick?" He got a quick and surprisingly calm nod. A gentle hand moved his hair behind his ear. "Wow, that's gone into your hair, I can't see some of it! Shit it's bleeding like a bloody waterfall... literally"

4:29pm. "What are you two doing?" Gordon asked. He was sitting on the table with his feet on the other bench faced towards the other two boys.

"Harry's face is full on fucked on the right side, it's bleeding so much" Dennis told him, not taking his eyes off Harry's face. Gordon leaned over and Piers and Malcolm got up of the bench and to Harry's side.

"Oh shit, he's right! That's a massive gash on your face mate. Can you feel it? Does it hurt?" Malcolm asked. 

4:30pm. "No, no it doesn't. I can't feel it so I might have some nerve damage there... shit this day is fucking fantastic" Harry replied, his head leaning forward and banging slightly on the table.

4:31pm. Even the smallest noise or movement, let alone a small hit on the head, made his vision blur and spin. Maybe he was getting a concussion, let's hope it's not too bad. Can concussions kill you? Harry remembered he read in a medical book that repeated severe concussions could be fatal. The pans hit on his head from this morning. The punches and hits on the head. The kick on the fence from behind him. All of these incidents could've made his concussion worse if he had one before. 

4:34pm. "...arry, Harry? You zoned out, you okay? You've landed a few hits on your head, maybe you got a concussion." Piers called out, getting quieter when he realised that Harry's head might hurt from loud noises.

"Oh, yeah, yeah s-sorry. I might have one, probably not bad. Fuck..." Harry muttered, his head lifting off the table and to the boys. "Anyway, I better get back, I need to finish off a few chores before aunt Petunia scolds me." Not mentioning the abuse he would probably get when he got back, or that there was a little more than a few chores.

4:35pm. "Really? What time is it anyway? Can't be that late." Dennis said.

"Must be around 5 or something." Gordon replied.

"It's 4:35 in the afternoon" Harry corrected quietly. They all, including Dudley, who was still sulking under the tree, looked at Harry with confused and surprised faces.

"How do you know? Got a watch or something?" Harry realised his mistake when Gordon asked him.

"Umm... just s-something I picked up over the years..." Harry stuttered out nervously.

4:36pm. Harry stood up, biting his lip to hold back a blood curdling scream. He could definitely feel his leg now, excruciating pain flared throughout his legs, torso and arms as he pushed himself up. The four boys keeping a close eye on how he was doing on walking, luckily no one noticed his nails dipping into his palm on his right hand. He ignored the white hot pain in his body as he turned around and smiled at the four before waving slightly and limping slightly away. Dudley had stood up and started walking ahead when Harry had gotten up.

4:37pm. "Alright, we'll see you soon mate." Piers called out. Once Harry was out of earshot he turned to his friends, "he's not going to survive this summer with Dudley in the same house as him." They nodded solemnly, looking down at the dried up grass. "Also did you guys notice how he didn't use the word 'home' and said his aunt's name like it was a fucking curse"

"Let's hope he can get out of that hellhole before he dies" Malcolm said quietly, the other agreed silently.

Little did they know, Harry was going to try to do that when all was silent.

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