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*May 3rd 2015*

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*May 3rd 2015*

The group of husbands (Pha, Forth, Ming) are all asleep on the floor in Forth's hotel room. While the other set of husbands (Yo, Beam, and Kit) are all cuddled into each other on the bed. They didn't come back to the hotel until around three AM. And they didn't sleep until five AM. It's currently three PM and they're all finally starting to wake up. Forth and Kit were the first two to wake up.

"Um... Do you know how we ended up in here?" 

Kit asked and held his head due to a headache. Forth shook his head. He had no idea.

"No idea, is Beam over there?" 

Forth asked and Kit nodded when he saw that Beam was the one hugging him. Forth got up and picked Beam up from the bed - careful not to wake Yo - and then sat him down on the couch.

"Why'd you move him?" 

Kit was confused.

"He has a habit of waking up crying if he doesn't see me right away, it's a PTSD thing..." 

Forth mumbled and kissed Beam's forehead trying to wake him up.


Kit was concerned.

"Childhood/teen trauma, he's ok now though,"

 Forth said and pulled Beam onto his lap when he started crying. Kit just watched the couple and smiled at how cute they were together. The really were the definition of the 'perfect couple.'

"What happened last night?" 

Ming mumbled walking over to where Kit was sitting.

Same with Pha and Yo - the other two woke up shortly after them and immediately questioned what happened. Yo and Kit started going through their social media pages, trying to find anything. Forth and Beam checked their texts/camera rolls, etc. Ming and Pha immediately checked their phones as well. What these six boys found was insane.

"Did we... get married?" 

Yo asked as he showed the others the pictures him, Beam, and Kit took at the wedding chapel earlier that night. Pha immediately grabbed Yo's phone and sure enough, there were more pictures and videos of the 'wedding'. All of them were shit-faced drunk/high, none of them really knew what was happening.

"What the hell," 

Forth was looking over Pha's shoulder at the videos.

"I think we did Yo," 

Beam said and showed the others the pictures of the legal-papers they signed.

"But who married who?" 

Kit was confused.

"All six of us... are married... to each other... I think, I mean - that's what these papers say at least..." 

Beam said.

He was showing the other five the pictures that were sent to them of the documents. They were too drunk to keep the physical copies - so they have pictures. The six boys were really confused now.

"I found a video, it's about 10 minutes long - most of it is Forth and Beam making-out though," 

Yo said and blushed skipping through that part and to the important part.

"I now pronounce the six of you married - now get out of here - you're all shit-faced drunk/high"

"So we're all married... to each other... that's... better than what could've happened last night," 

Forth said. They others agreed with him.

"I mean, isn't that what we came here for?" 

Beam asked and hugged Forth.

"Yeah, but I didn't expect four more husbands," 

Forth said - they all kind of laughed at that as well.

"So, what do we do now... Husbands?" 

Yo was both serious and joking.

"I guess, get to know each other better?" 

Kit asked and Ming agreed with his boyfr--- husband.

"So, I guess the first question is, can I have your numbers? And When do you guys go back home?" 

Forth asked and started making a group chat for the six of them.

"We leave next week, we're going to Japan next though, we'll be back home a week before classes start again," 

Pha said and Yo nodded agreeing.

"We'll be back next week, I'm a hazer for Sotus - we don't get much of a break," 

Ming said - Kit rolled his eyes.

"I'm head-hazer, I know how you feel Ming. I'll be back at the end of the month, Beam will be back in a week after classes start," 

Forth said and Beam kept hugging him tighter. He was tired and wanted to sleep - but more importantly... They needed food. 

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