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"Can we do something tomorrow? All of us?"

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"Can we do something tomorrow? All of us?"

Kit asked.

"Yeah, we never hang out all together,"

Yo added.

"I agree, we never do anything altogether,"

Ming said.

"Let's go to the beach, Forth's got a private beach connected to a beach-cabin,"

Beam said and Forth nodded.

"Perfect, what time?"

Forth asked and picked up his phone to make sure he wasn't busy tomorrow.

"5 AM. Spend the whole weekend together. Just us. No distractions, no phones, no problems. Just the six of us."

Kit said. The other five loved the sound of that.

"You guys get ready, I'll have Pop go check on the place and make sure it's ready,"

Forth said and texted Pop to get the house ready for them. The rest of the night the 6 just ate, watched movies, and cuddled until they fell asleep.

-next day-

Forth was the first one to wake up the next morning. Followed by Pha and then Ming. The three of them packed some last-minute things, (clothes, towels, food) before *attempting to* making breakfast for the rest of their husbands. It almost worked, they almost had a perfect breakfast - until Ming fell and dropped all of the (cooked) eggs. Luckily Pha had some more and could make more before the other three woke up. Beam woke up first and chose to cling onto Pha today - he wanted to get closer to him since they didn't really talk much. Yo woke up second and clung to Forth - for the same reasons as Beam, which left Kit with his boyfri--- husband, Ming.

"You ok Kitty?"

Ming asked and handed a plate of food to Kit. Ming made a special breakfast just for them. He and Kit happen to have (the same) food allergies so Ming had to make different food than what the others were eating. Kit nodded and just yawned - sleepy kitty. 

"What is that?"

Yo asked and poked what looked like a pancake but it wasn't a pancake. - it looked more like a crepe with how flat it was.

"Gluten-free pancake, it's not as fluffy as yours,"

Kit said and pouted but ate anyway.

"We're both allergic to gluten, so we have to make separate food from what you guys eat - that's why I cleaned the kitchen for a while after you two were done making food,"

Ming said and the other four nodded.

"Any other allergies?"

Pha asked in general to the group. Everyone else shook their heads no.

"We've been together for almost a year and never noticed that you guys have 'different' food than us,"

Yo said and was kind of sad he never noticed.

"We've only lived together for a few months, it's ok that you didn't notice. We forget about it sometimes too,"

Ming said and Kit nodded.

"I forgot once and it didn't end too well,"

Kit said and visibly shook at the memory of that.

"More like three times, but yeah, that didn't end well,"

Ming said. The six continued eating and then packed into the van to head to ForthBeam's beach house for the week.

-at the house-

"Forth! Everything's ready, just be careful with the boat, it's still got some mechanical problems. and it's going to snow again soon, please stay warm,"

Pop said as him and Oat helped the group unpack the van and put everything into their rooms. Ming and Forth are sharing a room. - Pha and Beam are sharing a room. - Yo and Kit are sharing a room.

"I can help fix it P',"

Ming said as Forth was taking the tarp off of the - what used to be a - fishing boat.

"You sure? I can't even figure out what's wrong with it,"

Forth said as he grabbed his toolbox.

"Yeah, it can't be that different from mine. My dad has the same boat,"

Ming said and started looking at all of the mechanical work that Forth's done so far...

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