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* 3 weeks after ch

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* 3 weeks after ch.12*

So far, the six boys have been very good at hiding their relationship. MingKit and PhaYo are publicly out as a couple, (just the two of them tho - not all 4) while no one in the world knows that ForthBeam are together.

Until today...

Look! It's the slut!"

Some kids yelled and pointed at Beam.

"A slut just like his mom,"

another yelled.

"Oh my god! Someone actually loves him!?"

A girl yelled.

Beam usually doesn't let the comments affect him - he's used to the hate - he's famous - but when the comments happen in real life, instead of behind a screen... It hurts more.

"Did your phones break? Why are you saying these things to my face?"

Beam sassed - but was confused more than anything.

"Because, someone like you needs to hear this, not filtered and deleted it from your page,"

another boy said.

Beam just started to walk away, he didn't want to hear what they had to say. Same comments he gets online - why hear it twice? As Beam walked away someone grabbed his arm and shoved a paper at him. Beam's heart... Dropped. It was a photo of Beam and Forth at the beach a couple days ago. The other 4 were there too, but they were all asleep when this was taken...

Someone was spying on them...

Beam kept a straight face - no emotion - just like Forth and Pha do.

"Who took this? This is an amazing photo, they should do this professionally,"

Beam said and everyone was confused. (photo above)

"Why aren't you mad? Someone stalked you,"

The boy said.

"I am mad. But there's not much I can do until I get the name of this photographer,"

Beam said and started to get that creepy - 'imma fuck yall up' - smile.

"Rich boy trying to scare us with his money?"

A girl teased - she had stacks of ForthBeam's picture in her hand - as well as a camera.

"Found them. Girl, come with me, let's show Forth these photos, I'm sure he'd love them,"

Beam said and the girl was so stupid she followed Beam all the way to Forth's meeting room (Sotus room). Beam didn't even knock, he just walked into the room and immediately went over to Forth and whispered to him what was happening. He was pissed to say the least.

"Who are you working with? You're not smart enough to do this on your own,"

Forth said looking at the girl... Pring.

"I'm not allowed to say..."

Pring mumbled.

"Tell us. Or we'll make you tell us." 

Forth was scary when he was mad.


Pring said it so quickly Forth had to look to Beam for a translation. Beam couldn't move. He didn't react. Not at first at least. He heard what she said perfectly.... His parents hired her to stalk him... To see if he was in a relationship... If they find out that he's gay... Who knows what'll happen to him... Beam looked at girl - tears starting to fall.

"Have you shown them this picture? What else have you seen?"

Beam asked and had no emotion other than his tears.

"This is the first picture I've taken that you can clearly see is you and Forth. I have shown them. They're the one's who told me to pass them out at school,"

Pring said. Beam nearly fainted hearing that. If it wasn't for Forth - Beam would've fallen on the floor...

"Whats going on?"

Forth asked.

"His parents, hired me the stalk him, while doing that I found out you two are together, took the picture, and sent it to his parents,"

Pring said.

"How much are they paying you?"

Forth was curious.

"Half a million," 

Pring said.

"I'll pay you two million to get you to lie to his parents and say that Beam was with a girl, not me. They're not allowed to know that that's me."

Forth said. Pring nodded.

"Get out of here and do what I said."

Forth said and hugged Beam when he started having a panic attack...

This is gonna be a long day...

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