Chapter 1

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"Hey Sam, wanna get those tables?" My best friend Josie said to me. I nodded and walked over to the three booths and wet my rag to wipe off the crumbs on the tables.

"You know we only have three more days." Josie said spreading out on the booth with a dreamy look on her face.

"I know, it seems like it's not real. Trust me we are not the type of people to go to New York." I hid a slight chuckled as I finished cleaning off the table. I worked in a small diner on the corner of Stale St and Duncan St.

"Hey! Just because you're from little old
Langston Mississippi doesn't mean you have to act like it." Josie said pushing my shoulder in a friendly way. She was a year older than me. Our town was very small. My graduating class last year had 49 kids in it. Including me. Our town was poor and had mostly dirt roads and one gas station. Our diner was one of three. Most people in our town have never left, I have never left this town. But Josie on the other hand, is a free spirit she has been everywhere. She is so into fashion she is posh for a small town girl. Me, I am a tomboy. I wear baggy jeans and t-shirts, I don't feel like I should wear girly stuff because it's just Josie and I against the world.

My parents have divorced and I live with my mom of course because she owns the diner. She walked up to us as Josie was about to say something else.

"Hey sweety I think you're done for today, don't you have to pack?" She said taking my rag.

"Nope, I have been packed for three weeks! I have saved up for this for two years. I am all set." I said and started to untie my apron.

"Alright well hun just rest up you have worked way past your shift as it is, you too Josie." My mom said walking back into the kitchen. Josie handed my mom her apron as well.

"Come on let's go back to my place and go over the plan for New York!!" Josie squealed. How are we friends? We are complete opposites! I guess opposites attract.

"Okay, I'm driving." I said and opened the door to my rusty green truck and piled in. It was my dad's truck and he gave it to me. I haven't seen my dad in a while, he divorced my mom when I was five. I am nineteen now. I pushed the tree car fresher to the side while I found my favorite CD. I shoved the CD into the car stereo and fast forwarded the songs I knew would skip.

"I kept my eyes on the road and the little stop signs that were scattered as we didn't have any street lights. My town was very country.

We drove up to my little ranch house. It was mainly wood and I have a lot of property to my house. Also, loved horses and even owned two. Jasmine and Piper. I loved them, they were two
Beautiful horses, one golden brown the other a rich black.

"Sam, I'm going to go inside and grab a sandwich!" She said as I went to the mailbox and grabbed my mail. The flap of the mailbox screeched as I peeled it open and grabbed my mail. Our plane tickets had arrived!

"Josie!!" I screamed and giggled as I ran inside.

"They are here!" I said with joy. She snatched the paper and hugged me.

I had never gotten a plane ticket before so Josie walked me through it step by step.

"Oh I can't wait to leave this dirt whole!" Josie said and plopped on my bed.

"Yea, the trip is going to be perfect." I said dreamily. I can imagine it now.

"Imagine us eating hot dogs in Times square." I said.

"Oh how romantic." Josie said sarcastically.

"Well we can also see romantic plays on broadway and eat dinner on the harbor. Take a walk in the big apple and absorb the beautiful lights in the city that never sleeps!" Josie said so enamored.

"Yea, I'd like that." I smiled.

"Yea, I bet you would." She chuckled and started to eat her sandwich.

"Just three more days, three more days until I can find out who I am." I said to myself, but out loud.

"Oh Sam, you know who you are! You're a beautiful smart girl and when he is determined she goes for it." Josie comforted.

"Yea but why can't I be like you? Confident, bubbly and always looking for a good time? I am just a buzzkill." I sighed.

"No you're not a buzzkill you're the funnest girl I have ever met." She said. I rolled my eyes with a slight smile.

"Thanks." I said.

".......Maybe New York will have a better answer." I added.

What Goes Up, Must Come...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora