⚠️A Requiem For Our Childhood ⚠️

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Cheryl was sitting on the couch as Toni was making dinner for everyone. Betty had asked her to invite Josie as well, since she didn't really have Melody and Valerie anymore, since they moved into college already.
She stood up when she heard the doorbell ring, and opened it for Veronica and Betty, "Come in, girls. Toni's just finishing up with dinner."
Betty smiled, giving Cheryl a hug, and then she sat on the floor of the living room, looking through the past year books, showing Veronica the pictures of her, Jug and Archie, "Who was the cutest of us all?" Betty asked, and Veronica laughed.
"Definitely you, B. Definitely you," she smiled at the black and white page of the early 2000s, "So much innocence in those eyes."
"I know. I wish there were such thing as... a requiem for our childhood, you know what I mean?" Betty asked, and Veronica looked at her like there was something she needed to say, but instantly didn't realize what it was.
"You're an overthinker," Veronica laughed, "how much sleep did you get last night?"
"Not enough apparently," Betty leaned her head back, lifting her hair so that it laid on the couch.
Veronica nodded, then Toni and Cheryl went to the door to greet Josie who had just rung the doorbell.
All three of them walked into the living room together, and plopped on the couch.
"So? What should we do?" Josie spoke, crossing her legs.
"Truth or Dare?" Veronica asked, and Betty smirked.
"Okay, Betty, truth or dare?" Cheryl asked, "Cheryl Bombshell always goes first."
Betty looked at the ceiling, doing that cute thing she does when she's thinking. Where she looks up a little, then smiles, "Truth."
"Okay. Have you ever kissed a girl? Yes or no?" Cheryl asked, looking to Veronica.
"Yes I have," Betty looked to Veronica, then to Toni, then to Cheryl, missing Josie.
Cheryl laughed, and looked over at Toni, "My turn? Okay. Veronica, truth or dare?"
Toni smirked, "have you ever liked a girl so much you got horny just looking at her?"
"TT!" Cheryl shouted between giggles, and Veronica laughed.
"No, it's okay Cheryl. And yes, I have. Much more than Archie and Sweetpea."
Betty shifted in her seat, becoming aware of the warmth down in her area, and Veronica turned to her, and put her hand on her leg.
"Cheryl, truth or dare?" Toni asked.
"Dare," Cheryl smirked, and Toni moved closer to her, and whispered, "Make Veronica and Betty horny."
Cheryl smiled, and Toni laid her down gently, kissing her deeply and passionately.
Toni unbuttoned Cheryls shirt as Josie sat on the armchair, uncomfortable, and the two lovebirds sat on the floor, covering their eyes.
"Nooo," Cheryl managed to get out, and looked down at Veronica and Betty, "Open your," Toni kissed her neck roughly, and Cheryl's head fell back onto the pillow, "Eyes, ladies."
Veronica uncovered her eyes, and looked up, seeing that Josie was walking up the stairs. Betty uncovered her eyes, and looked up at Cheryl and Toni, and watched as Cheryl's top was thrown across the room. Betty's eyes widened, and Veronica laughed.
Toni moved down to Cheryl's legs, and unbuttoned her tight jeans, biting her lip, and Veronica smirked, and sat down on the armchair, watching Cheryl and Toni. Betty stayed on the floor, watching them.
Cheryl squeezed her thighs together, and Toni forcefully spread them apart, "Come on, babe. Work with me here."
Cheryl nodded quickly, and watched as Toni slipped her jeans off slowly, then went to her panties, rubbing Cheryl's sweet spot.
Cheryl turned into a moaning mess until Toni finally stopped, and looked up at Veronica. "You want to try with Cheryl?" Toni asked her, and Veronica shook her head.
"I think I'd rather do it with Betty," Veronica went over to Betty, and Betty snapped out of it, realizing that her hand was on her spot.
Cheryl and Toni laughed, and sat up, watching what Veronica and Betty were going to do.
Betty stood up with Veronica, and looked between her eyes and lips, terrified. Veronica smiled slightly, and held her face in her soft hands, then pulled her in carefully for a gentle kiss.
Betty smiled as Veronica held Betty's hand, walking her to the armchair, and sitting her down so that she was comfortable, and then sat on her lap.
"Are you okay with this?" Veronica asked her, and she smiled.
"Of course I'm okay with this," Betty smiled up at her, and Veronica leaned in to kiss her again, and Veronica started grinding against Betty's leg.
"Veronica's an EXPERT at this!" Cheryl said, surprised.
"Lets go continue where we were in our bedroom," Toni winked, and they ran upstairs giggling.
When Veronica moved down to Betty's neck, Betty closed her eyes, and whispered, "Our clothes are useless right now," and she unzipped the back of Veronica's dress, and helped her take it all the way off, revealing her dark purple lacy set of bra and underwear.
Betty moaned as Veronica continued to suck on her neck, but then Veronica smirked, pulling away, and slipped down to Betty's legs, and pulled her pants off.
Veronica stood Betty up and pushed her gently on the couch, and climbed on top of her, then pulled off her shirt as well.
"I'm sorry it's not that sexy," Betty frowned, and Veronica played with her hair.
"Betty Cooper, langerie or no langerie, your still a smokeshow. Now quiet," Veronica smiled at Betty, then kissed in between her breasts, and Betty giggled.
Veronica reached behind Betty's back, and took off her bra, smiling, "You're so much faster than Jug."
"Lets do ourselves favors and not talk about the boys," Veronica smirked, and stroked Betty's nipples, feeling them get stiff after every connection of skin to skin.
Veronica smiled and scooted down to her area, and pulled off her panties carefully, and kissed her there.
Betty felt as Veronicas finger made it into her entrance. She closed her eyes, and smiled, moaning in delight, "Oh my-"
The girls sat up when they heard a door open, and they covered themselves so that whoever walked in wouldn't see, but it was too late.

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