Just Hold My Hand

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Veronica woke up, reading the clock as it flashed, 12:00 am. The power must have went out last night. She stood up, and walked to her dresser, grabbing clothes she was going to wear. She grabbed her black dress with the white collar that she wore when her and Betty made up for the last fight they had. She smiled as she recalled every moment with Betty, her bright smile every time she was happier than ever.


Betty sat on her bed, now with Jughead gone, writing in her diary:

Dear Diary:
I've been thinking. You love a person so so so much. But they're going through a hard time, so you feel like you shouldn't say it. Then I also think... what if it's exactly the words they need to be told? What if "I love you" means that their world is turned.. upside down? What if three words, eight letters, and two spaces could mean their happiness. What if it meant that we were happy together?

She stood from her bed, and walked into the hallway, knocking on her mom and dad's bedroom door. It was silent. Where are they? She walked down the stairs, looking everywhere, "Mom? Dad?"

Her footsteps made echos throughout the house, and her breathing was louder than normal, the feel of adrenaline washing over her. Shit, Betty.

Then, a sudden boom and crash was heard from the shed, "Dad wouldn't be out there at 7 o'clock in the morning," she said to herself, and grabbed a knife from the kitchen, then walked out, and stood by the shed, keeping the knife in her right hand. Her fingers on her left hand were being squeezed into her palms tightly, piercing through the skin. She bit her lip as she heard more moving around, so she moved out of sight from the front door of the shed. What was that move I learned from that one self defense class? Wait.. no! What if it's your own father!?

She saw the door of the shed swing open, and the hooded figure came out, looking everywhere, but her location. He moved inside the house, holding a wrench.

Beware, here comes the hooded figure. God, I hope Mom isn't in there.

He spoke in a deep, and grovel voice, "Come out, come out, wherever you are, Cooper."

She gasped, and moved behind the shed, so hopefully he wouldn't see her, but she had to get out of there. She didn't want to risk it though.

She heard a scream from the house, and she ran in with the knife, "Stop! Right there!"

He turned around, and clicked a device that he had. The scream. His face was covered with a black mask.

"You.. You shot Mr. Andrews," she spoke, her face changing expression.

He smiled through the mask, she saw it through the creases. She jumped at him with her knife, and stabbed him in the shoulder, but then he grabbed the knife, and turned her over, pinning her to the kitchen floor. She struggled to get out of his grasp, so she started to cry in agony as he took The knife and stabbed Betty watching her flesh tear, along with her shirt, the blood now dripping down from her torso, and she watched in pain, as he got up and left chuckling, victorious after his stabbing of the victim.

Betty tried to speak but her words weren't getting out, she then remembered that her phone was upstairs in her bedroom, but her mom had a phone installed in the living room so that she could call during emergencies. This was one of those times.

She got up slowly, carefully watching what she was doing. One wrong move, and one more inch further down, and she would be tearing her insides. Which could then lead to death. She couldn't do that to Veronica. Not even to Drughead or Archie.

She went to the phone, and dialed Veronica's number, shaking, and laid back on the floor while it rung.

Veronica: B? Is that you?

Betty: Yes, V.. I need you to come and get me. Please.

Veronica: Of course B. Just why?

Betty: Stabbed...

Betty managed to get out, but she couldn't say anything else. She was wasting her breath, even if she thought that this was her last hour of her life.

Veronica sped to Betty's house, and ran in by her, kneeling down next to her, "Okay Betty, I'm here. Just hold my hand, and breathe, okay? 9-1-1 is on their way."

Betty nodded, and breathed in and out, "I'm sorry for having you see me like this, Veronica. I-"

"Hey, don't apologize, B. You're fine," Veronica smiled slightly, and kissed her forehead so that she knew she wasn't upset. 

When the ambulance got there, the doctors carried Betty out on the stretcher, and Veronica got into the back with her, still holding her hand, "I like you too, B," she whispered as the ambulance started, "And I want to be with you."

Betty smiled, and Veronica leaned down to kiss her soft lips, smiling brightly. 


aww i love them uwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu 

night lovies <3

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