Keep The Change

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Betty came out of the surgery with her eyes slightly open, and she was on breathing tubes. It was hard for Jug and Veronica to see, but they moved to go see her.

"Right now, she's on life support and there's nothing else we can really do for her now," the doctor said, with a serious but stern expression, "She can be taken off life support when she starts breathing on her own, but in the meantime, she'll need to stay here for the time being. Is that a problem?"

"No, it's not a problem at all. I'll wait as long  as I need. As long as she's okay," Veronica said, her expression changing from upset to hopeful. 

"You have to understand that this will cost a bunch of money. Every hour she spends on life support, it costs $100," the doctor spoke, "It's our policy."

Jughead scoffed, and said, "That's a dumb-" 

"I'll do it. I have enough," she smirked as she slipped "her" credit card out of her purse, and slipped it to the doctor, "My name is Hermione Lodge. Oh, and please. Keep the change."

"How much is on this?" the doctor said suspiciously.

"Oh, a couple million. My d- husband is a millionaire," Veronica lied, smiling. She gestured to Jughead, dressed in a worn out leather jacket, and with his iconic beanie.

"Totally a millionaire," Jughead said, "I just hate wearing fancy clothes so.."

The doctor nodded, still suspicious, turned, and left the room with her mom's credit card. Jughead started laughing from behind her, "That was good."

Betty nodded from where she was, smiling. She couldn't talk because the breathing tubes were in her throat. It was stopping her sweet, kind voice from coming out of her mouth. She motioned like she wanted a cup, maybe to pour in her mouth, so Veronica walked over and helped Betty get a drink of water. 

Veronica smiled, and played with her hair, and Jughead watched Betty, smiling. He's okay with this? Archie has some catching up to do, damn. 

Jughead settled down in the chair next to the bed, and Veronica sat on the other side of the bed, but closer, and held Betty's hand tightly, "I love you, B."

Betty blushed, smiling widely. Jughead laughed, "That's torture to her, V."

Veronica smiled, and rubbed Betty's hand, below her thumb. 

Veronica loved Betty. So so so so so so very much. And she wanted so bad to be with her, she almost needed it. Archie wasn't enough for her. She didn't feel an emotional connection with him. She was happy, yes. But she didn't want to be with him anymore.

Maybe she liked girls more? Like Toni? Or maybe she liked girls fully.... You are not a lesbian, Veronica Lodge. 

Jughead left the room to go get food in the cafeteria, and Veronica sat with Betty, still with her, comforting her. 

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