She's Happy With You

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The next morning, Jughead and Archie came together. They stood beside the bed as Veronica bragged to them about how happy she was with Betty, holding her small body close to her chest as Betty was sleeping. 

"You guys are cute together," Jughead said, "She's happy with you."

"Are you boys happy without us?" Veronica said, and Archie looked down, shaking his head, and Jughead crossed his arms, looking at his feet.

Archie started thinking about something else, and then blurted out, "No, but at least your happy."

Veronica nodded, and kissed the top of Betty's head, "I'm sorry, Archie."

Archie looked up, "Is there any part of you that's even remotely sorry for cheating on me?"

"Arch," Jug spoke, and Archie screamed to shut up.

"I can't believe you, Veronica!" Archie left the room, pissed, and he slammed the door, Betty bolting awake, sitting up, and cried in pain.

"What's wrong?" Veronica asked, and Betty breathed in and out heavily, laying back down, and pressed the button for the doctors to come in.

"The stitches, they must have ripped," she managed to get out as the doctors came in. 

Jughead watched as they helped Veronica off the bed, and pushed her into the OR. Veronica paced the room as she waited.

Jughead went over by her, and held her shoulders, "Hey, V. Sit down. She'll be okay."

"And what if you're wrong!?" she batted his hand away, and he backed away.

"Then I'm wrong. But you need to stay strong. Trust me, I'm scared too. But V, you're my friend and so is Betty. Let me help you. And sit."

Veronica hesitantly nodded, and sat down on the nearest chair, and they both waited in her room for her to get back, "This is Archie's fault," Veronica said, "He shouldn't have slammed the door."

Jughead nodded, and looked down, feeling the cool air from the hospital vents come up and rush over them from the snow storm outside. 


hey lovies! 

i'll be posting a lot this weekend, but i'm at school so this is a short part!

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