Awkward Tensions

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Veronica awoke from her deep slumber from the night next to her blonde-haired crush, who was fully dressed, as was she. She rolled off the pull-out cot, and slipped into the quiet kitchen. She could faintly hear Betty's snores from Cheryl's living room, and she laughed. 

She looked through the fridge as she heard someone say behind her, "What are you doing?"

Veronica spun around, only to meet Toni's eyes, "Oh, um.. just looking for something to eat," she spoke, taking out the milk, and setting it on the counter.

"I'll make pancakes, eggs and bacon," Toni said, smiling slightly, "I can make kick-ass pancakes."

"Betty doesn't like eggs or chocolate chip pancakes."

"I know, she's been here multiple times," Toni laughed, "So what happened when Cheryl and I had se.. left?"

"Well, the boys walked in on us," Veronica said, pouring a glass of milk for herself.

"They did WHAT?!" They heard Cheryl scream from the threshold of the kitchen door, and they both jumped, "This was STRICTLY a girls only party. Those two are getting attacked, and I don't care how much they're hurt by it. They're.. They're pervs!"

Betty walked out to the kitchen, wiping her eyes tiredly, "What's going on?"

"Oh, good morning B! Toni's making pancakes and bacon," Veronica cheered, and Betty widened her eyes.

"You're too cheery," Betty groaned and walked to the sink, and got a glass of water, then sat at the dining room table, sipping it. Veronica looked at the other girls, and mouthed, "Someone's a little moody today."

Betty continued sipping her water, as everyone came to sit at the table, serving pancakes, bacon, and Cheryl and Veronica's request, eggs.

Veronica took a bite of the bacon, and smiled, "So, girls, what do you really, really want to do?"

"Go to the Grammy Awards and walk the red carpet," Cheryl answered at the same time Toni had said, "Have a family."

Betty and Veronica sat there awkwardly as the two stared each other down. 

One wanted fame, and one wanted family. This is going to be fun. Betty thought to herself as Toni turned back to her plate and started eating. 

"Um.. Cheryl, don't you think that's a little... selfish?" Veronica asked, and she looked at her like she had just asked the most lethal question. 

"No, rich bitch. I'm not selfish!"

"Cheryl!" Toni said, angrily.

"No, no. I can't sit here, acting like everything's okay, because obviously, it's not! You agree with her, don't you Toni? That I'm selfish?!" Cheryl yelled, standing up. 

"You're making a big scene, Cheryl," Betty said quietly.

"No! I'm not! If your girlfriend doesn't stop judging me for ONE SECOND of her life, maybe I would like her! But now it seems like you're in on it too, Betty. And that hurts. You're blood," Cheryl said.

"I didn't-" Betty started tearing up.

"No! I'm done, you three, leave," Cheryl screamed, and went upstairs, slamming her bedroom door.

"Sensitive bitch," Veronica whispered, standing up. Betty and Toni just sat there, tears and fear in their eyes. 


there needed to be more drama sooo hehe!

i hope you enjoyed this part!

i really love writing this <3

-mica <3

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