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Anna left the castle to go for a walk. At first, she tried to avoid attention, but she's the princess... everyone loved her. After many 'hello's' and 'good afternoon's', Anna walked to the bridge near the edge of the town. There, finally alone, she thought to herself. 'Hans? Fire powers? That's...well, I guess I shouldn't say impossible considering Elsa...' Anna sighed. Just then, Kristoff came by; but when he saw Anna, he hid. Sven grunted at him. "Shh," he said, "I want to see what she's doing." They overheard Anna talking to herself.

"I just know Elsa was hiding something from me. Sure, she told me the thing about Hans, but she held back..." 'Huh? What about Hans?' Kristoff thought. Just then, Anna turned around and saw Kristoff. "Kristoff?" He slowly stepped out of his hiding spot. "Hey Anna..." "What were you doing there?" Before he could explain, Anna continued talking. "I need some advice. What should I do if I found out that someone was keeping a secret from me? I mean, can't he trust me?" As Anna kept rambling on and on, Kristoff thought, 'Oh man, I'm doing that to her. I can't possibly say anything useful. She would kill me! Not to mention, if I tell her-' He realized Anna had stopped talking. "Don't tell me," she said, "you're hiding something too." Sven walked up to the two of them and nudged Kristoff closer to Anna. He glared at his reindeer, then said to Anna, "Look, we might have to sit down for this." 'Great,' Anna thought. 'He is hiding something.'

After sitting down at a nearby tree, Kristoff cleared his voice. "Look...I, um, I shouldn't be saying this...mainly because I'm too late, and if I try to tell you now you probably wouldn't forgive me then I'll regret everything I ever-" Anna cut him off. "Kristoff...-" "I like you!" He quickly covered his mouth. 'Jeez, I'm such an idiot.' they both thought. Kristoff thought he was an idiot for telling her, while Anna thought she was an idiot for not realizing the subtle hints. Just then, Kristoff stood up, and said, "I'm sorry." He began to walk away, but Anna tried to stop him. "Please wait!" she called out after him, but he kept walking. Sven had stayed behind, and now stood next to Anna, looking back and forth at the two.

"Hey Sven." "I'm sorry he didn't stay," she said for Sven. Anna sighed. "Me too." After that, Anna spent the whole day thinking about Kristoff, his last few words echoing in her head. 'Kristoff likes me?' She was too distracted to do anything. Not riding her bike, not talking to her sister, not visiting Hans... "Oh my gosh! I forgot all about Hans!" she said aloud while a servant passed by. "Is everything alright princess?" she said. "Oh, yeah. Quite alright. Thank you." Anna replied. She started walking faster to her room, while her thoughts came faster and faster. "No, I'm going to have to figure this out myself. See if Hans..." Anna sighed. "Tomorrow, tomorrow..." she trailed off, getting lost in thoughts.

Twisted endingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora