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The days seemed to meld one into the other yet Mo Yuan continued to try and reach out to Di Jun, only to return exhausted and dejected from the effort.  And all the while, the dressing changes continued along with her unstoppable mouth that never ceased unless she was asleep.  Though, there were times, when Mo Yuan would quietly listen to what she was saying, which did have him wondering who she might be.

They had already agreed that their identities should be kept to themselves, which for her was important.  To be alone with a man in such an intimate position, would not bode well for her, after all, she was unmarried, and having already seen much of his body, even going so far as to keeping him clean, meant she had compromised herself.  Once they made it out, he had agreed that they would not see each other again and nor would they seek each out.

Not that he intended to.  If they did make it out of there, he would have to answer for the crime of continuing a war that saw far too many lives lost and being blind meant nothing, he was still answerable to the worlds parents, brothers and sisters who had all lost loved ones because of him.

Even this young lady would have lost loved ones and needing her continued help, meant keeping his identity to himself least she cause him more harm.  Or at least thats what he thought, instead, he listened to her talking about  her favourite brother Zhen Zhen, the places he would sometimes take her to, and of course more plays.  It seemed as if the girl had far too much time on her hands, because he didn't think he'd met anyone who had seen as many plays as she had, some of which she shared.  Only this day, she was telling him about the need for her people to strengthen their borders and even create an army seeing as they didn't have one.

"I came to view the battle from above seeing as I had never witnessed one before, but having seen the lengths that some will go to just to win, had me realizing that no matter how secluded my people are, their safety is not a given." she said in reference to the mist outside the cave.

"Why don't your people have an army?  Are they too small to form one?" Mo Yuan asked more out of curiosity than anything though he couldn't help but chuckle at the thought that her non stop talking was enough to put anyone off, because she didn't even take a breath to think on her answer.

"No, I wouldn't say we are small, but we are a peaceful people who do not have a need to defend ourselves.  Or at least not until now." she admitted which had Mo Yuans mind dwelling heavily on this.

"I find it hard to believe that a large tribe would not need an army.  If anything, the larger you are, the more imperative it is to have one, after all, alliances can crumble at any given time." he replied as she set about washing him down before changing his dressings.

"We have no alliances, because they too are unnecessary and besides, if the rest of the world took note of how my people lived freely and happily, then there would be no wars." she shrugged before turning her attention to the dressings she had left.

"No alliances  Then how do you suport yourselves?" he asked a little stunned by this declaration which to his mind seemed a little too far fetched.

"It's easy enough.  We live in harmony with each other and should differences arise, then they are worked out in the field." she replied as the last of the bandages were gently applied to his almost healed wounds.

"The field?"

"The cattle fields where the cows graze.  If there is a dispute, then the two at odds will milk cows.  The one who fills the most buckets wins his grievance and the other must accept that he has lost." she replied with a chuckle at the soft gasp of air coming from the man on the bed.

"And that works?" he asked incredulously.

"Of course it does.  Though it takes many steps before it gets to that stage.  Its much like the processes that the High Gods go through before a battle ensues." she explained as his eyes were then unwrapped.  "There are talks of course, and the willingness to compromise from both sides, but if a solution to their problem cannot be found, then the cows are the last resort, which of course both sides must agree to seeing as both know that once the milking is over, that is the end of it.  It is a step too far and both know it, so both will do their upmost to avoid it, after all, their families pride is at stake should they lose, so such battles are rarely fought." She explained which to Mo Yuans ears sounded as if her people were far too simple minded, not to mention overly passive to start an army anyway.

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