No Storyteller.

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For three nights in a row, Mo Yuan forced himself to use what little energy he had left to walk the two hundred steps to his barrier each night in order to not only release a little of the mist at a time, but to also describe for her what he could remember of the battlefield.  Thankfully, his memory recall was exceptionally sharp, so his descriptions were so vivid, that by the time they reached the barrier, she was easily able to pick out each landmark he had described.

Knowing only that she needed to head east, Mo Yuan also described in detail what landmarks she would see the moment she began to mind travel beyond the barrier though it was decided that she leave in the day time, as the spirits of the dead were less active.

And to ensure that she did leave at the right time even though they had no way of seeing the sky from inside the cave, Mo Yuan had her time out the length of time between each night, by measuring the pail of water which trickled into the pail at a consistent pace.

No sooner had they returned from their outing, then Mo Yuan had her empty the pail of water, then timing out what he considered to be one full day going by instinct alone, he then had her cut a mark just above the water line of the pail to mark out the passing of one day.  This was confirmed when they visited the barrier where the night sky came into view.

"The halfway mark is midday." he explained, and the time that she would have to begin mind travelling.

"When do I go?" she asked as the apprehension began to hit.

Feeling the fear, Mo Yuan pulled her into arms and held onto her tightly.  "The sooner you begin travelling, the sooner we can get help." he replied in the softest of tones before taking hold of her wrist, which he turned over in his hand.

"I will also be taking your pulse as you travel.  All you need to do, is keep my voice at the back of your head, just loud enough to hear me, while also maintaining control of your thoughts.  Think of nothing but the one person you trust enough to keep your message to themselves." he warned her, having already discussed the risks of the darklands finding out that Mo Yuan had a companion, one that they would use to get at him, and therefore the mist.  And being blind and without cultivation, meant anyone wanting to do him harm, would have far easier access if they learned of her plight.

"I will go straight to a friend, one who also knows Donghua Di Jun.  He is a friend of his too, I will get him to help us." she replied confidently even though he could feel her heartbeat speeding up.

"Aright.  For now, just travel to the barrier and back again as many times as you can manage, or at least until you feel confident enough to break through.  Just remember, that the moment you leave here, you are not safe, you must go as quickly as possible, listen only to my voice and remain calm.  Then the moment you arrive at your destination, then go directly to the one you seek." he advised her one last time, before letting her go to check the pail of water.  

"It is time to go Shibing." she informed him, before once again settling back down beside him, only this time, Mo Yuan gently shifted her onto his lap.  Her back was to him, and his legs opened to make room for her.  Then wrapping his arms completely around her shoulders, he gave her the comfortable safety that he thought she needed in order to let the fear go.

"Don't be afraid.  I've got you." he crooned softly against the top of her head as he prepared to tell her a story to keep her mind anchored to him.

"I don't feel afraid when you hold me like this, but......" she began blushing profusely.


"I just hope the story isn't too boring, or I might fall asleep...... in your arms." she giggled and making him chuckle.

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