A Ray of Light in the Darkness

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The Celestial Heavens

Zhe Yan waited quietly to the side of the main hall having arrived to find the Palace in full meeting.  He had not given notice for his arrival but it was definitely noticed by Haode and Di Jun who seemed more than a little perplexed to see him there, seeing as the Celestial Palace, the Realms, that War and mist had nothing to do with the Peach Tree Grove.

But being a highly revered Medicine King and High God, none dared to question his presence.  Instead, the hall continued on while Zhe Yan listened to the heated arguments regarding the mist and Qing Cang who according to their hidden scouts, was still unconcious and heavily wounded.

"It won't take long for that man to unleash hell on our world when he heals." one shouted.

"All the more reason why the mist should be dispersed now.  If we don't, we are literally going to give that man a bargaining chip to hold us all hostage." another yelled.

"Lord Di Jun.  You are the only one among us who can lower that barrier.   Why are you refusing?" yet another yelled and completely forgetting who it was he was talking to.

"Insolence!" Haodes voice rumbled through the hall and sending them all to their knees in horror and shame.

"Indeed." Di Juns soft voice spoke for the first time since the meeting started having decided to allow them all their say, before giving his final decision.  Only the look on Zhe Yans face, had him holding back.

"Forgive me Lord Di Jun, I was not thinking clearly." that young Prince apologized before once again lowering his head to the floor.

There was something about Zhe Yans presence that bothered him, the man never attended the realms meetings, and that he had turned up out of the blue, suggested that it might have something to do with the mist, so raising his hand, he ordered them all to their feet.

"I suggest we all take a break and meet back here after refreshments." he merely replied before giving Zhe Yan a look that suggested he should follow him.

It really didn't take a genius to figure out that the High God of the Peach Tree Woods wanted to talk about that mist, and as he passed by, many gave him an encouraging look, one that hoped he was there for their sakes.

Only no sooner were both men in Taichen Palace and behind a barrier, then Zhe Yan explained Bai Qians message along with her sudden ability to mind travel, which was in effectknowledge reserved solely for the disciples of Kunlun Mountain along with the spell she would have needed to release to in order to speak to him, which could mean only one thing.  Mo Yuan had taught her.

"I understand why you arrived but you do not need to concern yourself too deeply.  I willl not be releasing the mist so long as Mo Yuan is alive." Di Jun answered somewhat enigmatically.

"Then if you're not going to release it, then how are we going to get the Queen of Qing Qiu out of there?" he asked and becoming angry seeing as Di Jun did not realize just how great a mistake he seemed to be making.

"Unfortunately, Mo Yuan is answerable for the deaths of thousands, so I cannot allow him to die, however, nor can I risk taking down his barrier to release the mist.  The winds blow strong in some parts, but not strong enough to disperse it quickly, more people will be hurt no matter how controlled it is." he said flatly and making it clear, that even though Qing Qius Queen was trapped, she might have to remain where she was for the time being.

"I see.  That is not good enough.  She is the ruler of the Greater East and the largest tribe in this world.  It will take only one word from me, and her father will smash his way in there.  Are you willing to take the risk for what he might do when he finds out?" Zhe Yan asked angrily while also making himself clear that Qing Qiu would not allow her to remain any longer than necessary.

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