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Arriving on Kunlun Mountain five days later as organized through official letters delivered by her tree sprite, Bai Qians smile was wide as she took in the rows of Disciples who had gathered to welcome her back.  Because of Mo Yuans injuries, her initial visit had not been made an official one, so taking it upon himself to ensure she was welcomed onto Kunlun Mountain properly this time, she couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Two rows of Disciples lined the entrance to the main temple while Mo Yuan stood at the top of the stairs with Di Jun to welcome her.  Only the arrival of her father who had accompanied her, soon had the Disciples goggling madly at him.  He was as much a folk hero as their Shifu and to Die Fengs mind, it was only the second time he had ever visited since he had began his internship thousands of years before.  So he was just as excited as they were.

"Lady Bai, Emperor Bai, please....." Die Feng said with a wide sweep of his hand towards the stairs.

Not a single head moved as she swept upwards and leaving her father to slowly amble his way forward, but the eyes were all on them.  The smiles were rather shy this time, and seeing as she had brought her father with her, there was also awe and a little fear as Mo Yuan also made his way towards her.

"What is this?" she asked feeling more than a little embarrassed at the attention as his hands reached out for her own.

"You are the Queen of Qing Qiu and your father is its Emperial Sire, two royal monarchs of divine privelege Qian Qian.  This humble greeting is our way of welcoming you properly, and it is also in honour of my future wife." he replied loud enough for them all to hear and increasing her empbarrassment which only had those eyes of his dancing in delight at the flush that was rapidly spreading across her cheeks.

Sneaking a quick glance at the boys, she almost gulped loudly at the looks of youthful shyness as they watched their Shifu turn on the charm.

"There is no need Mo Yuan, we are not strangers." she insisted in a meek voice seeing as his eyes were laughing at her discomfort along with the questioning gaze coming from her father.  It wasn't altogether unpleasant bt there was a definite hint of warning in it which only had Mo Yuans eyes sparkling with mirth even more.

But she was given no time to dwell on whatever was going on between the two, because Mo Yuan was now leading her towards Di Jun while bekoning her father inside.  Initially she tried to remain at his side, only to have Di Jun lightly take her arm and lead her to the side while the Disciples quickly broke apart before leaving her with a sixteen smiles as they disappeared into the temple after their Shifu and her father.  

With a curious look, she then watched as Mo Yuan led her father away only to jump a little when Di Jun suddenly placed himself in her line of vision.

"They won't be long, why don't we take a little walk." he suggested before sweeping his hand towards the nearest path which led to Mo Yuans private gardens.

"What are they doing?" she asked sensing something important was happening.

"Your father came to talk to Mo Yuan, and after his little speech, can you not take a guess?' he asked with humour in his tone even though his face barely moved.

"Oh...." she replied as they delved off the path and into a beautiful manicured garden that suddenly and without warning, came into view.  "They're having that talk..." she said in a small voice seeing as Di Jun was paying far too much attention to her.  "But why cannot I not join them?" she asked and bringing them both to a halt while also wondering why the Disciples were present because she really didn't get it.

"They are brokering the marriage conditions." he replied honestly and openly and stunning her senseless.

"Brokering?' she asked incredulously.  "That is so outdated, no one does that anymore." she replied growing more stunned by the second.

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