Epilogue 1

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The wedding of the War God to Qing Qius Queen came as quite a shock to most despite her interference in his trial and even more so because the banners had barely been raised before the ceremony was quickly held behind the large impregnable barriers of Qing Qiu without any invitations being sent out to anyone outside of the Groom and Brides immediate friends and family which instantly had tongues wagging which neither would hear about for some time to come.

Keeping in line with Qing Qius customs, Mo Yuan had meant what he said when he agreed to their marriage rites which could take place within a week without a need for auspicious dates or a need for the whole world to attend.

"Why waste precious time and energy on people we dont even know?" she had asked in reference to the worlds hierarchy when Haode demanded that the ceremony not only take place in the Celestial Heavens but every Leader and high ranking dignitary be invited.

"My wife out ranks them all. If she doesn't want the wedding held in the Celestial Heavens, then it will be held in Qing Qiu." Mo Yuan had informed him most tersely and leaving no room for arguement, especially when he got that look in his eye.

And though Haode had wanted to remind him of who he was and who his parents were, one look at his face, had him taking a step back with a curt nod of his head. Afterall, he could not prevent the wedding being held outside of the Celestial Heavens and nor could he demand Bai Qian to sign anything she didn't want to which he had initially insisted on.

"I am not marrying Mo Yuan for an alliance with the Celestial Heavens and nor do I want your titles or resources, I have those already." she also informed him with an even more terser look before quietly dragging Mo Yuan from the Grand Hall without another word while leaving Haode in no doubt that this Queen would not be manipulated and Mo Yuan would no longer answer to him either.

In fact, Mo Yuan was sick and tired of his role of War God. They had won their greatest war, Qing Cang was dead and the Ghosts were far too depleted in numbers to ever see the light of day again. If anything, he was looking forward to living out the rest of his days being lazy and listening to his wife tell him stories til her heart was content.

Even her best ones. In fact, he was looking forward to hearing those ones in particular now that she was his wife, and he was also looking forward to joining her on her many travels to the storyteller inns where she gained her vast library of adult fiction.

So one week later, Haode joined the Celestial party along with Di Jun to attend the simple wedding ritual before joining the Foxes in the Peach Tree grove for the banquet where they were now gathered listening to the entertainment while enjoying Zhe Yans wine while Mo Yuan and Bai Qian sneaked glances at each other through the throng, until eventally, his Disciple Die Feng arrived to inform him that their wedding chamber was now ready for him.

Catching her eye, Mo Yuan gave her a wink. There was a very special surprise waiting for her and all night long he had been waiting impatiently for that moment, and no sooner was Die Feng joined by the rest of his Disciples, then it became known that they were now leaving their guests to entertain themselves.

With a flourish, Mo Yuans hand reached out towards her, and she was quickly dragged to her feet where she then gave a shy smile to her family and nod of respect to everyone else, before the Disciples then led their Shifu and Shimu to their wedding chamber where they would not only be left alone for as long as they needed, but an enormous barrier would ensure it.

They had already broken many Celestial customs by holding the wedding in Qing Qiu and then foregoing the consummation rite directly after, so she should have known that there would be at least one more because no sooner had they left the Grove as one large unit, then Mo Yuan quickly slipped in behind her before very gently raising a piece of red cloth over her eyes to blindfold her.

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