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Entering the mist in the middle of the night had become such an integral part of their routine, that Bai Qian couldn't help but laugh at the enormous changes she'd had to make in order to just remain sane.

"What's so funny?" Mo Yuan asked smiling towards the sound of her laughter as they quietly made their way to the barrier.

"It's just that, the real me, the one outisde of this place, would not dream of getting out of bed at this hour.  In fact, this routine that we have is also very much against my character, because I tend to be far more spontaneous and unpredictable, its what always gives my father a headache." she admitted with a soft giggle, though more to herself than this soldier who seemed a little more chirpier after his story for the day which he was still chuckling about.

"An academic mind is constantly working towards routine, whereas an intelligent mind, falls into it without even thinking about it." he merely replied and giving her pause to wonder a little more about this man who seemed so different to all the men she knew.  Not that she knew many, but he certainly had some strange thoughts that at times were far too logical for her rather simple way of thinking.

"Hmmm that might be true in certain situations Shibing, but in my world, routine is only intelligent if its new.  Anything new is exciting and unpredictable, one can enter it with bright new ideas that can  result in credible and effective changes or solutions.  Only once the novelty wears off, then it becomes a behaviour that is far too boring." she replied after a little thought.

"Oh?  I think that being constant and unwavering in anything you do well, can give the enemy a false sense of security, its only when you act unpredictable and step out of your perceived norms that it becomes exciting, but it should never be a natural part of the character, otherwise you will never be taken seriously when it matters the most." he replied chuckling at the way he imagined her face to be screwed up at that statement.

"Said by a true soldier." she laughed lightly and making him smile.  "Of course there has to be an element of surprise and uncertainty in say.... war... otherwise your greatest triumph would be dull and therefore unsatisfying.  But to be honest, routine is only smart in certain situations and only for a reason such as preparing for war, it makes sense to be.  Only I think, being too predictable all of the time is a little soul destroying, unless it involves a regular midday nap." she stated emphatically and making him laugh even more.

"So I take it you find our routine boring then?" he asked chuckling down at what he now imagined a to be a look of shame.  He may not have his eyes, but her character was highly predictable even if she thought it wasn't because she immediately began to stammer.

"That's...... Shibing, that's not what I meant..." she sighed at the laughter that immediately followed.  "Look.  Routine is just like kissing." she tried to backtrack only to Mo Yuan, her ability to go from one thing to another while staying on topic never ceased to amuse him especially when it came to intimacy which was a favoured topic for her.

"And how is kissing routine?" he asked dreading the answer but curious despite himself.

"Well, it isn't exactly routine, but it leads to routine." she giggled.  "You see, the first kiss is exciting and unpredicatable, it has the mind dreaming up all kinds of wonderful and magical ideas as to where it might lead like I mentioned before.  The second kiss however is far more intimate, that magical element is still there and exciting, but by that stage you kind of know where it's going to lead.  The third kiss is the well worn path if you like, its one more step to taking off the clothes and getting busy and that is where the routine lies." she giggled at the huff of breath beside her.

"Getting busy?" he asked chuckling at her not so eloquent way of getting her point across which really did make her sound very young at that moment even though her argument was that of an older woman.

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