Epilogue 2

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"Lai was beautiful, the most loveliest woman ever to walk the Universe. And it wasn't just her face that caught the attention of every man within a hundred mile radius no matter where she was, but her figure could attract a herd of bulls.  Her breasts were so big, that despite the decent amount of layers she wore, her amazon tits were so big that her bodices had to have hemp lining the insides in order to stop them from bursting through the outer silk.  And because her waist was so small, it only made them look that much bigger and with a beefy bottom bringing up the rear, it was little wonder men from all over were literally tripping over their cocks just to get a glimpse of her."  Bai Qian explained in awe and with her hands cupping the air in front of her own chest to emphasise just how big they were.

Listening with a smile on his face, Mo Yuan tried to imagine such a woman as he slowly and languidly kissed down the side of her neck only her choice of wording did make him cringe, but seeing as this was their wedding night and she was now his wife, he allowed it as he then slowly began to pull the stings on her wedding dress.

"One day, her parents decided to get her married and quickly before a war broke out over her.  Men from all over the district and even beyond were sending in marriage proposals, and some even offered her parents obscene amounts of wealth for the chance to get their cocks into her, but they were not a greedy people, they had enough wealth, but they did want her married and quickly.

So far she had not shown any interest in the local men and nor were they really suitable because their daughter was special.  A rare beauty that deserved a good husband who could provide well for her every need while also loving her most generously.   After all, a beautiful wife such as her, was worth treasuring, and so deciding on a farmer from a neighbouring town, the marriage banners were raised."

"Jai was a rather shy man, but he worked hard, earned a good living, owned his own home and though he wasn't handsome, he was a kind a gentle man so would love her as they wanted him to.  And seeing as their daughter was not overly fussy about who her husband would be so long as he treated her well, Lai too gave her blessing after learning as much as she could about him from her friends."

"Now, Jai had never seen Lai before, but he had heard of her, so he was a little sceptical about her being as beautiful as the gossip said she was, only on the night of their wedding, he finally got to see her face for the first time, when he lowered her veil." Bai Qian sighed in both awe and pleasure as Mo Yuans kisses began to sweep across the full length of one shoulder that he had managed to free from her dress while a hand dove straight into her bodice to fondle the fullness of her.

"His eyes greedily and hungrily gazed upon the face that could only have belonged to Heaven.  He was awestruck and speechless.  She had to be the most loveliest creature he had ever laid eyes on, and so he immediately began to attack her wedding dress to get to her body.  A face like hers did that to every man who saw her.  The sexual hunger overtook their minds and made them crazy with lust.  Only the moment her dress was almost ripped open and her enormous tits flopped out over the top of her flimsy undergarments, then his bulging cock exploded in his pants!"  she squealed as Mo Yuan quietly slipped her own undergarments off her shoulders so her own large well defined breasts came into view, then keeping to the theme of her story, his head lowered to take a breasts as Jai did the same.

"His rough tongue felt like snake hide on her soft silken skin that she most generously lathered with skin softeners daily to keep her body beautiful...." Bai Qian gasped as Mo Yuans tongue lightly nipped and suckled on a freed nipple.  The pleasure it gave her, had the story stilling momentarily as her body was gently forced down onto the bed in a trembling mess.

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