Are you hurt?

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|| Plot: Virgil comes home after falling off his bike. Roman is there to 'help' him. ||

|| Word Count: 1069 ||

|| Ships: Prinxiety ||

|| Warnings: Cussing I guess ||

It was a normal day for the Sides. Logan was in his room, probably doing a puzzle, Patton was outside trimming some rose bushes, Roman was in the living room watching a Disney movie, and Virgil was out riding his bike through town.

Notice how I said 'was'.

The day was about to take a drastic turn. Well, for two of the Sides, at least. 

Roman was about halfway through his movie when he heard the front door slam. He didn't think anything of it, since it was probably just either Patton coming in from the garden or Virgil getting home from his bike ride. 

Roman was greeted by Virgil, his boyfriend, walking into the living room, brushing dust off himself, to greet the prince.

Said prince immediately saw the large amount of dust that resonated on the anxious trait's arms, legs, and clothes. 

Roman immediately paused his movie and got up to check on Virgil. "Virgil! What happened?" Roman had always been very protective over Virgil. 

"I fell off my bike. Don't worry, I'm not hurt," Virgil said, still dusting himself off.

"You don't know that! What you got cut on the inside of your shirt or something?" Roman asked worriedly.

"I fell into a bed of grass. I'm fine, Princey."

"Can't you at least just let me check?" The creative trait asked, already kneeling down to inspect Virgil's side.

The dark trait sighed as he raised one arm slightly to give Roman better access to his side. 

Roman immediately began to roll up one side of Virgil's shirt, tracing his fingers over his bare skin. 

As Roman progressed higher up Virgil's side, he caught sight of Virgil's face. His cheeks were red, and he was biting his bottom lip.

"Virgil? Did that hurt?" The prince asked, his face softening.

"W-What? No, I'm fiiiine!" The anxious trait stuttered. Roman still had his hand resting on Virgil's bare skin.

"Then why were you making that face?" Roman asked, standing up.

"What face?"

"You looked like you were trying to hold something back. And your cheeks were red."

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Virgil shouted, beginning to back away from Roman.

"Virge, don't back away! What's going on?" Roman asked forcefully as he began to approach Virgil.

"No!" was all the eye shadow-wearing aspect yelled before taking off down the hallway. Roman groaned, and immediately ran after him.

Roman was indeed faster than Virgil. So much so he caught up with him in no time at all, but it was obvious that Virgil refused to stop running. All Roman could do was throw himself on top of Virgil, hoping that he timed it right. And that's exactly what he did.

With a yell, Roman propelled his body forward. He collided with Virgil, knocking them both to the ground. Roman had also accidentally dug his fingers into Virgil's sides in the process.

Virgil squeaked.

"Virgil? What on earth was that noise?" The creative trait held Virgil down as he thrashed underneath Roman.


Suddenly the name for this came to Roman. It all added up: How Virgil looked when Roman touched his side, how he took off afterward, and how he squeaked. 

Virgil was ticklish.

Roman immediately showed Virgil his realization by giving him a very evil grin. 

"What could this be? Could my emo boyfriend really be just a tiny bit ticklish?" Roman teased. By now, Virgil was flipped around so he was laying on his back, facing Roman.

"Shit, no!" He yelled.

Roman only responded by gently drumming Virgil's ribs. The dark trait was using everything in his power to not start giggling. 

It was only when Roman moved to his belly that broke him. 

Roman traced places on Virgil's stomach with his fingers, which caused a steady stream of giggles to flow from Anxiety's mouth.

"Rohohohoman! Quit ihihihit!"

"Oh, Virgil, I'm just getting started!"

Roman's hands fell to Virgil's sides, where he immediately started scratching at them. Virgil's giggling soon turned into cackles, since his sides were one of his worst spots. 


"Awww, can Virgil really not handle a little tickle tickle?" The fanciful trait teased.


Roman only responded by moving his fingers to his boyfriend's stomach, where he proceeded to scratch harder and faster, making poor Virgil's laughter rise an octave.

"NOHOHOHOHO! NOHOHOHOT THEHEHERE!" The dark trait screamed.

"Wow, Virge, I didn't know you had such pretty laughter. You really should laugh more often." Roman said this in the calmest tome possible, as if there wasn't a screaming, thrashing, cackling Virgil underneath him. 


"Uh uh. That's a bad word Virgil. I'm going to have to punish you for it."

Roman began lifting up Virgil's black T-shirt to gain access to his bare stomach. He could feel his boyfriend try to shove Roman's hands away to stop with whatever he was doing.

Roman wasted no time. He leaned down and blew a big raspberry on Virgil's belly.

This made the anxious trait shriek with laughter. His head fell back, cackling like a mad man.

Finally, Roman eased up. He leaned back and sat on his boyfriend's thighs, watching Virgil calm down to just some easy giggles. 

Roman smirked. "So, are you still hurt?"

"I WAHAS NEVER INJUHURED!" Virgil screamed.

Roman's face turned serious as he leaned back in, inserting his pointer fingers into Virgil's armpits in the process. Virgil snorted as his arms slammed down, trapping Roman's fingers there.

"I'm gonna ask again. Are you still hurt?"

Virgil shook his head wildly. He didn't dare say he was, because if he did, Roman would torture him more.

"Good," the creative trait said as he removed his fingers. "Now come on. I have that movie to finish."

Roman scooped up his still giggling boyfriend bridal style and carried him back to the living room, where they finished watching Roman's movie together.

As the movie rolled to credits, Roman felt two hands weave around his back and squeeze his sides, making him jump and snort. Roman turned to see his adorable boyfriend bolting up the stairs. 

"Oh, it's ON!" Roman yelled, dropping the remote and sprinting after Virgil.

Hope you all enjoyed the first fic of this book! Let me know if you want a part 2 to this. I might do it! 

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