Don't be sad!

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This story was requested by @SanderSides001. Hope you enjoy!

|| Plot: Roman is feeling down so the others try to cheer him up. ||

|| Word Count:

|| Ships: Prinxiety ||

|| Warnings: Slight Roman angst ||

Roman woke up one morning feeling particularly down. He had stayed up very late last night trying to help Thomas come up with a creative video idea for his second channel. Roman sadly wasn't able to come up with any good ideas, which really stressed him out. He went to sleep feeling pretty much useless. He thought of himself as the least helpful side. Why couldn't he do better?

And now, Roman was sitting in his bed, trying to fight off tears pushing at his eyes. He knew that if he didn't get up, the others would probably get nervous, so he forced himself out of bed and into a simple outfit. He quickly ran a brush through his hair so he looked somewhat presentable. 

Roman stepped out of his room and into the living room, heading to the kitchen. The three other sides were already in the kitchen, eating breakfast and chatting. When Virgil saw Roman, he stood up. "Good morning, Princey," Virgil said before planting a soft kiss on Roman's cheek, making him blush slightly. 

Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention. Roman and Virgil are dating. They've been dating for a while now. Their relationship was good; They both love each other very much and spend a lot of time together. Also, Roman is most definitely the bottom. 

Virgil's kiss made him feel a little better, but those feelings were soon replaced by more feelings of sadness and uselessness. He sighed as Virgil sat back down. Roman grabbed an already made piece of toast and shoved it down his throat before retreating to the living room to watch some TV.  The others just stared at him as he walked away. 

Virgil looked the most worried of all. "Did I do something?" he asked nervously. 

Logan stood up and threw his dishes into the dishwasher. "Roman's probably just tired. He had a long night with Thomas, after all." 

Virgil sighed and shoved a thought that was beginning to form in his brain to the back of his mind. 

Roman was now sitting on the edge of the couch with his head resting on his hand. He had Lion King on, but he wasn't paying much attention to it. All he could think about was how worthless he was. He couldn't help but sigh periodically. 

Then he heard three pairs of footsteps behind him. The other sides must have just finished their breakfast and were now probably off to do some work. 

Virgil glanced at Roman. He could tell that his boyfriend wasn't paying attention to the movie. Virgil bit his lip as his anxiety spiked. Everyone knew what Roman looked like when his full attention was on the movie he was watching. He would be leaning forward on the couch, not letting his eyes leave the screen. Roman was doing the complete opposite of these actions now. 

Virgil wasted no time and pulled Patton and Logan into his room. Roman did not hear them leave as hastily as Virgil pulled the two. 

Virgil shut his door behind him. Logan was the first to speak. "Virgil, what was that about?" 

Virgil sighed. "Roman. He's not acting normal and I'm getting worried. I don't know what's going on!" Virgil wrapped a hand around the back of his neck and spoke nervously.

Patton immediately patted a spot on Virgil's bed next to him. Virgil sat down next to Patton. "Kiddo, Roman is probably just really tired! He did go to bed late last night."

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