Do You Love Me?

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|| Plot: Deceit is beginning to question his relationship with Remus. ||

|| Word Count: 1159 ||

|| Ships: Demus ||

|| Warnings: Insecure Deceit, cussing ||

Deceit woke up feeling very insecure. He had just had a horrible dream about his boyfriend, Remus, cheating on him. Deceit was now beginning to question how Remus truly felt about him.

Deceit plopped himself down on the couch, switching the TV on. He could hear Remus in the kitchen, making breakfast.

A few minutes later, Deceit was greeted by a grinning Remus holding two plates of bacon and eggs. It was a miracle that Remus hadn't almost set the kitchen on fire like last time.

"Breakfast's ready!~" Remus sang. Deceit didn't look up.

"I'm not hungry," He said, keeping his eyes focused on the TV.

Remus immediately went into soft-boi mode. "Love? Are you alright?"

Remus sat himself on the couch next to Deceit, looking into his snake eyes. Deceit didn't respond.

"Deceit, what's wrong?"

Deceit finally gave in to the fact on how adorable Remus looked when he wasn't acting all dirty and stuff.

Deceit sighed. "Do you love me, Remus?"

Remus placed a hand over his heart. "Deceit, of course I love you! What makes you say that?"

"I just...I don't know! I had a dream that you were cheating on me, and now I'm scared." Deceit squeezed his eyes shut. Tears were pushing at his eyelids, but he refused to let them out.

"Well, um..." Suddenly, Remus was struck with an evil idea. He tried his best not to let Deceit know. "Can I do something to try and prove to you that I truly love you?"

Deceit opened his eyes and propped his head on his hand. "I guess. What is it?"

Remus only responded by tackling Deceit and pinning him to the couch, straddling his hips. 

"R-Remus?! What the hell?" Deceit stuttered.

Remus began to unbutton the cloak that Deceit has resting over his shoulders. "Let's get this off ya."

Deceit's face flamed. "Remus, I know you love me! We just don't need to do...this!"

"Oh no, Deceit! I'm not trying to do that. I'm just taking off your cloak so I have better access to your armpits!" Remus grinned.

"W-What?" Deceit stuttered, but was only answered by Remus's hands scratching ruthlessly at his sides.

Deceit clamped both hands over his mouth, but not before letting out an adorable snort that Remus quickly took note of.

"Aww, Deceit! That was so cute!"

Deceit just wildly shook his head. It was pretty obvious that he wasn't going to remove his hands for the life of him. 

"Deceit, take your hands down! I want to hear your adorable laughter!" 

Deceit shook his head again. 

Still tickling, Remus pondered how he would be able to get Deceit to move his hands. Remus's eyes lit up with an idea as he very slowly creeped his scribbling fingers up his boyfriend's sides, nearing his armpits. 

Then Remus quickly shot his fingertips into Deceit's armpits, withdrawing quickly. Deceit's arms involuntarily shot down to protect his sensitive underarms. His eyes then widened in fear after he realized what he had done.

Deceit was quick to try to cover his mouth again, but Remus was quicker. He grabbed both of Deceit's wrists, pinning them above his head. 

Remus began to teasingly wiggle the fingers on his free hand right above Deceit's stomach. Even though Remus wasn't touching him yet, his belly still twitched underneath Remus's fingers.

"Remus, p-please don't! You know I-I hate this!"

"Yeah, but, I love it."

Then Remus unleashed his attack on his boyfriend. 

He began scribbling his fingers on his free hand all over Deceit's belly. Deceit couldn't hold back his laughter even if his life depended on it.

"Rehehehemus stohohohohop!"

"Deceit, I need more laughter! I don't get to hear you laugh very often and I want more of it!"

Deceit was slowly losing it. Tickling is not a common thing that happens on the dark side of the Mind Palace. He could feel his entire body going limp as his head flopped back and forth from laughter. 

Remus seemed to notice his boyfriend's weakened state. He released Deceit's hands, which just fell down next to Deceit's head. He had absolutely zero energy to be able to at least try to stop his tickling boyfriend.

Remus then began tickling Deceit's belly and sides with both hands, focusing on the area around his belly button with one hand. Deceit's laughter jumped an octave.

"SHIHIHIHIHT REHEHEHEHEHEMAHAHAHAS!" Deceit had trouble getting the words out since they were almost immediately replaced by another fit of cackles. Remus didn't say anything except respond with an idiotic, giddy grin.

Remus only slowed his attack on his boyfriend when Deceit's laughter turned into wheezing. 

Remus leaned back, still sitting on Deceit's hips, letting his boyfriend calm himself down. Soon, just a few giggles escaped Deceit's mouth every so often. 

You would probably think that Deceit really wanted the tickle torturing to stop, but then Deceit said something that he should have never said to Remus.

"Buhut how to I know you weren't juhust tihickling me as a friend?!"

Remus's face twisted into an angry grin. He leaned back in, towards Deceit's face. 

At first, Deceit though he was going to kiss him, which made him confused. But then Remus's head jerked to the right suddenly, getting closer to Deceit's neck. 

Deceit went pale. He knew exactly what Remus was trying to do. 

Deceit began thrashing under Remus as much as he could, hoping he could somehow buck him off, but it was no use. Remus was not getting off for the life of him.

Then Deceit felt thousands of little tickling sensations shoot through his body, starting right at a spot on his neck. Remus had just blown a big raspberry right on Deceit's scales. 

Deceit's back arched like an angry cat. He could hear his own cackling echoing through the room. 

Once again, Remus leaned back, letting his boyfriend settle down. Once Deceit calmed down again, Remus said, with a huge smile on his face, "If I didn't love you, how would I know your scales on your neck are super sensitive?"

Deceit sighed. "You're right, Rem. I apologize for ever doubting that you love me."

"Your apology is accepted." Remus leaned down and kissed Deceit quickly on the lips. 

Remus had just gotten off of Deceit when his boyfriend said something that made him freeze. 

"Remus, can I prove to you that I love you too?" Remus wasn't facing Deceit at the time, but he could tell Deceit was wearing a very sinister grin.

Remus jumped and turned around. "What? No! You don't love me! Stay back, you vile snake!"

Remus took off down the hallway. 

"Get back here, you rat!" Deceit ran after his boyfriend, who was now squealing like a little girl as he sprinted down the hall. 

I will be making a part 2 to this, just so you guys know. 

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