Revenge (1)

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A/N: This is one of the very first tickle stories I came up with when I was thinking about this book. There will be a part 2 to this. 

Ships: Prinxiety. Can be taken as romantic or platonic.

Warnings: Cursing

Virgil paced around his room, a frustrated scowl growing on his face. Why? He had just found Roman wearing one of the dark aspect's favorite hoodies. He had stolen it from Virgil's room just to try it on. Virgil snatched it back from him, luckily. This event happened an hour ago, but Virgil was still driven by revenge to find a way to get Roman back for stealing his hoodie. The only problem was that Virgil had no idea what to do. He has been racking his brain for what felt like ages for an idea until a certain snake-like trait appeared in his room, uninvited. 

Virgil let out yet another frustrated groan. "What do you want, Deceit?" 

The deceitful trait opened his mouth to speak but closed it again once he heard Virgil's greeting. After staring at the ground with his lips pursed for a second, he spoke. "I'd prefer you call me by my real name since I just revealed it to you people." He spoke rapidly as if he had a time limit on when he had to stop talking. 

Virgil rolled his eyes. "Fine, Janus,"  he said. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I couldn't help but realize you were still frustrated with Roman for stealing your hoodie. I'm guessing you're still trying to think of revenge?" Janus leaned up against the wall of Virgil's room, not bothering to try to sit down on his bed or his desk chair because Janus would probably just receive an angry hiss from the dark trait for sitting on his things.

"Yup. I want Princey to get what he deserved but I don't know how." Virgil sat down in his desk chair and spun around in it for a few seconds while Janus tapped his chin, thinking of some form of revenge that could help the anxious trait. Eventually, Janus came up with an idea and smirked at Virgil, waiting for him to stop spinning in his chair. 

Finally, Virgil noticed Janus's facial expression and halted his spinning session. He leaned forward and rested his arms on his legs. "If your plan involves me pushing Roman down a flight of stairs, I'm not doing it. I want to get revenge on him, not kill him."

Janus chuckled at Virgil's remark. "No, that's not it at all. I just know something about Roman that no one else knows," Janus said, tilting his head to the side, waiting for Virgil to become curious and ask what Roman's secret was.

Finally, Virgil gave in. "What is it?" he asked. 

The corner of Janus's mouth curled upwards into a small, mischievous smirk before he spoke. "He's ticklish," he quietly announced, patiently waiting for a reaction from the dark trait. 

Virgil's jaw dropped to the floor. He jumped up from his chair almost as soon as Janus finished his sentence. "Seriously?" he questioned. Janus just nodded to confirm. Virgil's face broke into a grin as he devised a plan in his head. Soon, he moved to his front door to go find Roman. 

"He's in the living room," Janus said, helping Virgil out. "Thanks, Jay!" the dark trait responded before opening his bedroom door to go get Roman in the living room. As he left, he couldn't believe he had just said a 'thank you' to Janus and called him 'Jay.' 

As soon as Virgil left, Janus chuckled evilly to himself before disappearing into thin air, going back to the Dark Side of the Mind Palace. 

Meanwhile with Virgil, he was ever so slowly creeping up on Roman in the living room, who was laying on the couch, watching TV. He knew exactly what he was going to do: Jump over the back of the couch, landing on top of Roman. Virgil would proceed to pin Roman to the couch and tickle him as revenge. 

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