The Battle (Sequel to Are You Hurt?)

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A/N: This is part two of the very first tickle fic of this book. You might want to read that if you haven't already. This is also my first attempt at a tickle fight where both participants are tickling the other so have mercy on meh. 

Warnings: Cussing. 

As the movie Lion King rolled to credits, Virgil very quickly weaved his hands around Roman's back and squeezed his sides. Roman jumped and snorted but turned around just in time to see his giggling boyfriend booking it up the stairs. "Oh, it's ON!" Roman shouted, before dropping the remote and chasing after Virgil for the second time today. 

Virgil was filled with adrenaline. He so was not letting Roman catch him this time. An anticipating smile pulled at his face once he heard Roman's fast footsteps pounding their way up the stairs. 

Virgil then ducked into his own bedroom. His bed was positioned in the middle of the left wall, allowing him to jump behind his own bed. He had a plan. He needed to get back downstairs. He stood behind his bed, waiting patiently for Roman to find him. 

Finally, Roman turned into Virgil's room with a mischievous grin on his face. He stepped forward, his fingers in the shape of claws. "There's no where to run, Virge."

Virgil narrowed his eyes and grinned. "Are you sure about that?" he asked Roman. Roman didn't listen and tried to get Virgil by running around his bed, but Virgil was one step ahead of him. He jumped up and over his bed and took off out of his room, escaping his boyfriend. Roman groaned and went after him again. 

Virgil suppressed a chuckle at how he had just outsmarted Roman. He booked it down the stairs and into the kitchen. Roman was long behind him now, so Virgil ducked behind the kitchen island, hiding from him. Virgil only had step one of his plan, which was getting away from Roman. He didn't have a step two because he honestly thought Roman would have gotten him by now. 

Virgil heard Roman coming down the stairs and surveying the area for him. "You can't hide forever, Virgil!" he said. Virgil just tensed up and prayed he wouldn't look in the kitchen. Then, the door in the kitchen that lead to the backyard suddenly opened, making Virgil jump. Patton had just came in from doing some yard work. 

Patton immediately spied Virgil hiding behind the island and Roman out looking for him. Virgil was frantically putting a finger to his mouth to shush Patton, but he didn't listen. "Kiddo, why are you hiding from Roman?" 

Virgil winced as his head flopped back against the wood that made up the counter. He could hear Roman chuckle evilly before appearing at one side of the counter. Virgil quickly got on his feet and began backing away. "I am so not dealing with this bullshit for a second time today," Virgil said, positioned to run. 

"Language, Virgil," the fatherly trait scolded, who was acting like Roman and Virgil weren't currently trying to attack each other. Patton just retreated back to his room, not wanting to get in the way of whatever the pair were about to do. 

"Come on, Virge. Don't run. Running makes you a coward! Why don't you prove your worth?" Roman showed a sinister grin. Virgil was immediately taken aback. His eyes narrowed as he glared at Roman. 

"You think I'm a coward? You think I'm weak?!" Virgil's voice was slowly rising in anger and Roman knew it. The fanciful trait smirked and looked up to the ceiling as if he was remembering an old memory. 

"Well, I did just tickle you silly after you got home and you couldn't get away. So, yes. I'm dating a weakling." Roman's comments were pretty harsh, but he was in a tickling mood and wanted Virgil to try to attack him. He wanted to tickle Virgil more but, honestly, he wanted his boyfriend to tickle him as well. Like I said before, he was in a tickling mood. 

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