
2.5K 27 19

|| Plot: The sides have created a game that they play with Deceit. ||

|| Word Count: 2350 ||

|| Ships: Slight Demus ||

|| Warnings: cussing ||

It was a normal Saturday morning. There wasn't a video scheduled, and the Dark Sides were chilling out in the Light Side. Deceit was in the living room, watching TV. Logan was doing some YouTube work in his room along with Patton. Roman was also in his room, trying to get Remus to go away. 

"Roman~! How many Disney movies do you have in here?" Remus sat on the floor, eyeing Roman's collection of Disney movies.

"Don't you touch my DISNEY!" Roman shouted. 

After a while, Virgil appeared in the doorway of Roman's room, interrupting Remus's annoying session. Remus had a stack of Roman's movies in his hands while his brother was trying desperately to grab them back.

"Um, am I interrupting something?" Virgil asked.

Both siblings froze. Roman took the opportunity to quickly snatch the movies out of Remus's hands. 

"Hey! No fair!" Remus complained. 

Roman ignored his brother. "No, Virgil. Rat Man here just was being annoying again." Roman glared at his creative counterpart. "Do you need something, Virge?"

Virgil smirked. "Well, I couldn't help but notice that Deceit is currently alone in the living room right now."

Roman looked confused. "Why does Deceit being alone concern you?"

Virgil rolled his eyes. Roman was definitely not getting the hint. "You up for a game of Fluster?"

Roman's face immediately brightened up, along with Remus's. Roman set his movies down on the bed. "Of course! Go get the others!"

"It's my turn to go first!" Remus said, taking off down the hallway.

Fluster was a game five of the six sides created a while ago. The aim of the game is to make Deceit as flustered as possible. It might sound difficult, but Deceit can get flustered very easily. The others discovered this when they were filming the 'Can Lying Be Good?' video. When Patton was supposed to pop up from underneath Deceit, Deceit wasn't ready for it. As Patton struggled to pop up, Deceit's face was getting redder and redder, and he was sputtering. The others quickly identified Deceit's blushing face as an opportunity to play a game with him.

Roman and Virgil popped their heads into Logan's room. "Hey, guys. We're playing Fluster. You want in?" Virgil asked.

Patton clapped excitedly. "Sure!"

"I think I'll just be a spectator for today. I have some work to get done," Logan said, but there was an edge of disappointment in his voice.

"Okay. Remus is already out there. We'll retreat back to this room when you finish your turn," Roman said, stepping into Logan's room. 

Just then, Remus was creeping up behind Deceit, who was still sitting on the couch. Remus new exactly what he was going to do. 

With one swift movement, Remus was in front of Deceit, crouching down. Remus rested the palms of his hands on the sides of his face. 

"Remus, what do you want?" Deceit asked. 

"I just wanted to let you know that you look great today, Dee~" Remus then raised his eyebrows up and down multiple times and stuck his tongue out the side of his mouth in a flirty manner. 

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