What he Needed

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A/N: Here's that platonic Moxiety fic I promised like two stories ago but got requests I wanted to do first. 

Warnings: Mentions of depression, mentions of self-harm.

Virgil sat at the kitchen table, chewing slowly on a piece of dry toast. He woke up this morning feeling strangely depressed and he didn't know why. Then he realized that Thomas had been cut from a play for some reason and he was very upset. Since Virgil houses Thomas's depression, that means that Virgil will be as equally depressed as Thomas. 

Thomas was feeling worthless and so was Virgil. Virgil finished his toast and threw his plate into the sink. He felt an overwhelming urge to cry, but he fought it off. The other sides were still sleeping and he didn't want to annoy them with his sudden depression. 

Virgil pulled the hood of his sweatshirt up over his head. He trudged slowly back to his room, thinking about one too many things at once. The thoughts hurt. He wanted to just go back to his room and do nothing productive. Maybe dig out the razor he has hidden in his sock drawer that he hasn't used in months. Maybe the pain will make him feel better. Then he'll probably take a nap afterwards. Maybe if he goes to sleep he'll wake up and everything will be back to normal. 

Hot tears were welling up in Virgil's eyes, but he refused to let them fall. He finally made it back to his room. Virgil grabbed the knob and twisted it to the side, opening the door slowly. He wasn't ready at all for what he saw in his room. 

Patton was sitting on his bed. He must have been waiting for him. Virgil just stood in his doorway, shocked. Patton just grinned softly at him, waiting for his reaction. Finally, Virgil cleared his throat and spoke. "P-Patton, what are you d-doing here?" Virgil asked. 

"I know about Thomas's play incident, kiddo. I knew you would probably be feeling down so I decided to at least give you some company," Patton said, his eyes soft. He patted a spot on Virgil's bed next to him, signaling the anxious trait to sit with him. 

Finally, Virgil let those tears fall. He cried silently and almost literally ran into Patton's arms. He collapsed on his bed, embracing the fatherly trait. Patton just hugged him back, letting him cry. All Virgil wanted was someone that would care for him and Patton had given that to him without even saying anything. Virgil was really glad but still depressed at the same time. 

After a few minutes, Virgil's tears had died down. He sniffed, wiping the last of them off of his face. "Th-thank you," Virgil whispered, still hugging Patton. 

"Anytime, kiddo," he responded. It seemed as if they were just going to sit like this for the next several minutes, but Patton had another thing in mind. It was time to engage step two of his plan. 

"Although, do you know what goes great with hugs, kiddo?" Patton asked, a grin creeping onto his features. Virgil jumped back out of the hug. "Oh God no," he said, trying to jump off of the bed and make a run for it, but Patton knew he was going to try to do that. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Virgil's waist, pulling him back against his chest. Virgil squirmed, trying to get out of Patton's grasp. 

"Tickles!" Patton said, answering his own question. Virgil sucked in a deep breath, trying to prepare himself for what was about to happen. He knew he wasn't going to be able to escape. Then Virgil felt ten fingers slowly scratching the tense skin of Virgil's underarms. He squeaked and squirmed even more, his face pulling his mouth into a grin.

"Pahatton Stohop!" Virgil said, giggling a little. Patton only began to scratch faster. "Nuh uh, kiddo! I'm not stopping until I've tickled all of that depression out of you!" Virgil squeaked again and bit his lip. 

With one hand still in Virgil's armpit, Patton moved his other hand down to his stomach, scribbling his fingers all over the sensitive skin there. Virgil jumped and snorted, letting the giggles that have been pushing their way up his throat out. 

"Ack! Pahahahatton nohohoho!" Virgil giggled, snorting when Patton squeezed a piece of skin near Virgil's right side. Patton rested his chin on Virgil's shoulder as he smirked. "Did I find a tickle spot?" Patton's wiggling fingers hovered over the spot teasingly. 

"Dahad! NonononoNONONONO!" Patton didn't listen to Virgil and let his tickling fingers fall onto the spot, making Virgil's giggles turn into sweet laughter. Patton grinned at the sight: Virgil's laughter was adorable. It was a great contrast to the dark trait's normally emo and edgy persona. 

Patton chuckled to himself and accidentally breathed onto Virgil's neck. To Patton's surprise, Virgil flinched his head away and squeaked through his laughter. Virgil hoped that Patton hadn't noticed that, but it was too late. 

"Mmm, kiddo, the Tickle Monster is getting hungry! Do you know what it's hungry for, Virgie?" Patton's wiggling fingers slowed down on his stomach. Virgil's laughter died down to occasional giggles. Patton was building up anticipation and Virgil knew it. Once Virgil could get a sentence out without giggling, he spoke. 

"PattonIsweartoGodifyousaymyneck-!" Virgil spoke as quickly as he could. He was scared of what Patton was going to do. Virgil's neck was, by far, his most ticklish spot. Sometimes his own hair will brush against his neck, making him shiver. Luckily, no one has ever tried to touch or poke Virgil's neck, which will probably bring up a giggle or two. 

"Raspberries!" Patton exclaimed before pressing his lips to Virgil's neck and blowing gentle raspberries on the surface. Patton's fingers also resumed their attack on Virgil's stomach and sides. Cackles immediately poured from poor Virgil's mouth.

"PAHAHAHAHATT NAHAHAHAT THEHEHERE!" Virgil basically screamed. Patton just chuckled and spoke into Virgil's neck. 

"There's that laughter I wanted to hear! Tickle tickle tickle Virgil!" Patton blew bigger raspberries onto Virgil's neck, making him physically incapable of being able to speak anything. 

"STAHAHAHAHA!" Every single thing Virgil tried to say was almost immediately cut off by loud laughter. Patton just grinned into Virgil's neck before resuming the raspberries. Virgil was slipping closer and closer to insanity and was worried he was about to pass out. 

After about five minutes of Patton's raspberries and Virgil's cackles, Virgil's laughter began to morph into wheezing. Patton immediately let up, not wanting Virgil to lose too much breath or something. 

Patton released Virgil and he fell forward onto the bed. He immediately curled up into a little giggling ball, trying to calm himself down. Patton scooted closer to Virgil and began to rub his back. Finally, Virgil fought off all the lingering giggles. He sat up and looked at Patton. "Thanks, Patt."

Patton smiled. "Anytime, kiddo." 

Virgil's eyes went wide as he wondered if Patton had taken his thank you as "thank you for tickling me," which was not the message Virgil wanted to send. He jumped up from his bed. "For making me feel better, I mean."

Patton chuckled to himself. "You're welcome, Virge." 

Virgil then grinned as he walked with Patton out of his room to have some real breakfast instead of just a piece of dry toast. He was glad Patton had tickled him because it had made him feel so much better. It even affected Thomas. He woke up in the morning feeling strangely happy. 

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