A/N: Late 2k reads special!

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Me: Hmmmm I wanna do something different...

Me: Ooh I should do a Q & A!

My brain: Wait shouldn't you wait for a special occasion?

Me: Uhm, school got canceled?

My Brain: No. Your account anniversary is in July and your birthday was in March.

Me: No I will figure out a way to do it now. 

My Brain: Good luck with that.

Me: *Checking my Wattpad account*

Me: I just hit over two thousand reads! That's a good reason, right?

My Brain: *Sigh* Oh, alright, fine. 

Me: YAY!!!

*End of weird scene thing*

So, yeah! I've been wanting to do a Q & A on this book for a while now and I finally have an excuse to do so! I don't exactly have a deadline for the final product yet but I'll figure that out when I think I've gotten enough questions. 

You can put your questions in the comments section of this story or message me directly. It doesn't really matter for me. I'm going to put a limit of five questions that you can ask me. I don't want to be too overwhelmed but who knows. You can send in questions until I update this A/N saying that it's closed. The final product will probably be out soon after that. So, send in some questions! I'm looking forward to it!

(EDIT) I forgot to put this in when I first wrote this. The questions can be about whatever you like! Just please keep it appropriate. I'm just a small innocent child here. 

Peace out!

~Ari 🍩

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