Deceit's Scales

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First request from @BlueBerry2765 with the prompt: 'What if Deceit fell asleep on the couch with his back partially showing which is covered in scales and the others get curious?' I changed it slightly, but it still has the same idea. 

|| Plot: See above. ||

|| Word Count: 2044 ||

|| Ships: none ||

|| Warnings: cussing ||

Today, every side was hanging out in the Light Side of the Mind Palace, something that they do every time they finish a new video. Deceit was featured in this one, and he was lucky to have remembered his lines. This was a planned Sanders Sides episode, not like in DWIT, where Remus showed up randomly everyone was kind of free styling their lines. 

The reason Deceit had trouble remembering his lines was because he procrastinated. He just chose not to study them. Until last night, when he rushed to study them all.

He also kept himself awake by drinking six and a half cups of coffee.

By now, the caffeine crash was setting in. Deceit had trouble keeping his eyes open, and sometimes almost lost his balance. He felt as if all the energy had been sucked out of him at once like a vacuum, and finally collapsed on the couch.

All the other sides just walked by him, going about with their day. They new about Deceit's troubles with his lines and expected this to happen.

Well, everyone was normal, except for one.

Every time Logan walked past Deceit on the couch, he would always glance over at him, sometimes biting his lip slightly. Roman immediately recognized Logan's face as the face he always uses when he wants to do an experiment but isn't sure about it.

Roman immediately got suspicious and pulled Logan into the hallway, where no one was. 

"Okay, Calculator Watch, do you want to experiment on Deceit or something?"

Logan opened his mouth to respond, probably to deny his aching for experiments, but Roman gave him a look that said that he was not going to stop pestering Logan until he spilled his guts.

Logan closed his mouth, sighed, and said, "Well, yes. I've been wanting to figure out the texture of Deceit's scales, like whether they're slimy or smooth, but he would probably bite my hand off if I tried it when he was conscious." Logan paused to take a breath.

"So, I've kind of just forgot about it, until now. I noticed that, when Deceit fell asleep, he laid down with his arm over his head, causing his shirt to ride up his back slightly, exposing his scales." Logan looked at the floor, hoping Roman didn't think that he was crazy.

"So, that's it? You just want to touch Deceit's scales?" Roman asked. Logan nodded in response.

Roman exhaled deeply, trying to think of what he should do. "Well, I can help you, if it's that important." 

Logan looked up, eyes wide. "You will?" 

Roman nodded. 

The corners of Logan's mouth turned up slightly. "Well, all I really need you to do is make sure he doesn't wake up, so just crouch in front of his face or something. And tell me if he starts to stir."

Roman and Logan began walking back to the living room. "Don't worry, I will."

As the two approached Deceit, Logan kept curling and uncurling his hands into fists. Roman nodded to him as he quietly positioned himself in front of Deceit's sleeping face, watching intently.

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