Confused feelings

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Ming didn't know what to feel.  On the one hand I was happy that Wayo met Phana.
But on the other, the pain in his chest didn't pass, it had worsened when he saw them together.  What was that feeling?

-Ming, what's up?
-'Yo was very scared.  What happened to you?
-It was a very strong stomach ache.  But I'm better now.
-And what were you doing with Phana?  Are you happy? - this said, but inside it hurt.
-I found it by chance.  He brought me, nothing more - he swallowed and continued - We have to talk.
-Yes, tell me...

The nurse interrupted them
-Come student, let him rest.
-But, but.
He pushed him out of the nursery and forced the child to bed.
Wayo thought about what he was going to say two seconds, before falling asleep, for the medication.

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