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Wayo almost drowned when he heard what Phana asked.

Why are you asking me that?  What do you care  What's going on?  All that he thought.
-Huh?-He only managed to answer.
-  Do you have a couple?
When he could calm down, he replied.
- Why do you want to know?
- Only curiosity , do you have?
-No- he replied curtly.
- Do you like someone?
He hesitated, but said:
- Yeah
-Can I know who?
-No, and I don't want to say more. Do we eat or do we leave?" - His features were transforming.
-Don't be mad, dwarf.
- Ha. Also, do you make fun?  I don't want to talk about myself anymore.  I hardly know you.
-I thought you knew me well.  I always find you looking at me.

Wayo was stunned.  I wanted to disappear.  What did he do?  What did he say?
-I noticed you, Wayo, for a long time, and they always whisper to Ming when I pass.

He tried to calm down.  He focused and regained the strength to continue.
-You're getting confused.
-I don't think so.
- Is that why you invited me?
-That's what I thought you were coming for-he laughed.
-We are in different tunes.  I came to pay my debt.
-I thought you would be happy with my invitation.
- Not the way you think.

He stood up and Phana took him by the arm.
-Wait, don't go.  I like your company.  Don't be mad- he repeated, really sorry.
- I want to go, I'm uncomfortable.
-But Wayo, don't you realize that I like you?
-What?  -I was stunned.  He stared at him speechless.
- You called my attention long time ago.  I took it for granted that you felt the same.
-You couldn't be more wrong. Who do you like?
-I don't want to answer anymore
-Do you like Ming?
-What? - He thought- This is getting out of control.
- Phana, stop it!
He yanked to release his grip, but he had a good hold on him.

- Let it go!  idiot!

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