Chapter 3

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I drive my motorcycle back home, and I see my dad taking things out of the moving truck. I rush over to help him, and our new next-door neighbors help us out. In no time all our stuff is in the house but most importantly our beds are in our rooms. I'm fucking beat; all I want to do is sleep. My dad looks exhausted too. We thank our neighbors by getting a case of beer for them. Once they leave, my dad and I go into our rooms and crash. I'm out before my head hits the pillow. There is a knock at my door, and I open my eyes, and it's dark in my room now. My papa opens the door, and he comes into the room. I still not fully awake, and I groan out.

"Hijo, get up. My boss invited us for dinner, and we need to go." He says. I roll my eyes and run my hands over my face. "Come on, get your ass up, kid." He is laughing.

"Do I have to?"

"Yes, you do." He says. "Oh, and wear a shirt to cover those tattoos."


"No, it's fine. Hurry up and shower. We have to be there at seven. It's six now."

I drag my ass out of bed and jump in the shower, and I choose a pair of dark jeans and a short sleeve Van's button-up shirt. I put pomade in my hair and style it the way I like it. Once I finish getting ready to go into the living room, I get a facetime call from Noah, my oldest brother.

"Baby brother, how do you like the new house?" He smiles.

"It's okay, but I still have to look around the house. I hope I adjust here, but I have no choice."

"You did have a choice Marco, Sonia said you could stay with her."

"Yeah, I know."

"You made your choice, kid," he says.

"This conversation is over; I'll talk to you soon." I cut the call. He pisses me off because he could have asked me to stay with him, but he didn't. None of my brothers did only Sonia.

"You ready to go?" Papa asks.

Let's go." I say.

"Que te pasa, what's wrong, Hijo?"

"Fucking Noah. He pisses me off."

"You already know how he is. He likes to get a rise out of you. Don't let him get to you." He says. I just nod and look out the window of the truck. We drive two blocks down, and he pulls out in front of the house. I'm still scowling, and my dad is staring at me. "Get yourself together and enjoy our dinner tonight."

"Does he have kids?"

"I think little girls, but I'm not sure. Let's go now."

We get out of the truck and walk up the cobblestone driveway. Man, this house is beautiful. We get to the front door, and a man answers and smiles at my dad.

"Miguel, thank you for coming!" he says as he pats my dad on the back and shakes his hand.

"Tony, thank you for having us! This is my son Marco."

"Hi, nice to meet you," I say, shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Marco. Come on in. Yolanda, our guests are here. This is my wife, Yolanda."

"Hi there, dinner is ready. I hope you are hungry! Karolina, come in here and help set the table!"

"It's not my turn, it's Katrina's turn!" a voice yells from upstairs.

"She is running late from her tutoring job. So, get your ass down here right now." Tony yells back up.

"Fine," She yells back. Wow, this girl is kind of crazy. I look up as she is stomping down the stairs. Holy shit, it's the girl from the park, and She is wearing a shit ton of makeup. She sees me and grins at me. "Hi, Handsome." Oh my god, no, she did not just say that to me in front of her dad. I look at my dad, and he does not look amused.

We sit down at the big table, and another young boy named Joseph joins us. He is the baby of the family, and he is five years old. He is very chatty, and a cute kid, and he keeps Karolina from talking to me. Thank goodness because I don't like her personality. She wasn't what I thought she was. I see the light come on in the driveway, and Joseph jumps off his chair and runs for the door.

"Katrina is home! "He shrieks. "Oh, and Chucky is with her." I smile at his enthusiasm for having his sister come back. I can't see him because there is a wall blocking the front entrance. "Hi, Sissy! Hi Cousin."

"Hi, Joey." The girl's voice says. " I'm sorry, I'm so late." She says as she walks into the room. I look up, and I have a heartbeat in my ears. She smiles broadly at me. "Hi! How was the rest of your chocolate ice cream."

HOLY SHIT! I look between the two sisters, Karolina and Katrina, who are identical twins.



What do you think of the call between Marco and his brother?

Who do you like better Katrina or Karolina?

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