Chapter 7

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We sit on the couch while we wait for the girls to come back down. Chucky had extra clothes with him, so he changed. I really like Katrina; she is smart and beautiful. Well, they both are beautiful, but Karolina's personality makes her unattractive. We hear movement from upstairs, and right away, I know which twin it is. Karolina is wearing a short dress and more makeup than she had on at dinner. Don't get me wrong. I like it when girls wear makeup, but I think less is more.

"What the fuck are you wearing?" Chucky asks. "We going to a poetry slam, not a night club! Since when did you like poetry anyway?

"You know what Chucky Shut the fuck up! Do you think I look nice?" she asks me. I get distracted by the movement on the stairs. Katrina.

"Yeah, yeah, it's fine," I say absentmindedly. "Wow, Katrina, you look great." Katrina's smile reaches her eyes, and it's stunning. She is stunning. I notice the scowl on Karolina's face. Chucky notices it too, and he howls out in laughter.

"Yeah, Katrina, you look awesome!" Chucky says. "Karo, you sure you want to go? You say that the Cyber Café is for losers."

"Yes, I want to come." She says.

"Let check with dad if I can take his truck?" I say. I knock on the office door.

"Come in," Tony says.

"Pa, how long will you be? Can I take your truck?"

"We will be well past midnight," my dad says. "Go ahead and take the truck. Con cuidado."

"I'll be careful. Is it okay if I drive everyone to the café, Mr. Camacho?"

"Of course," he says.

He hands me the keys, and I go into the living room. I really want Katrina to sit up front with me, but I don't want to come off and an idiot asking her. I show them the keys and smile and stick my tongue out at them!

"Let's hit the road!" I say, and they cheer.

"Yes, no Uber tonight!" Chucky laughs.

We go out the front door, and Katrina is locking the door I stay behind with her as the other two run over to the truck.

"Hey, Katrina, you want to ride up front with me?" I say, looking down at her. She is really short, almost a foot shorter than me. She smiles up at me and nods. "It's unlocked guys, Katrina is riding shotgun. I hear Karolina grumble something. I go to the passenger side and open the door for Katrina.

"Thank you." She says and smiles shyly.

They navigate me out of the town to another small town about ten minutes away. I find a parking spot we get out of the truck. Karolina keeps looking at her phone, and it doesn't go unnoticed by us.

"What are you doing, Karo?" Katrina asks.

"I texted my friends to meet me here. I'm not gonna hang with you losers. Marco, you want to hang with us?"

"No, thanks. I guess you can call me a loser too." I say. She rolls her eyes and walks off with her friends.


"We are leaving at ten-thirty," Katrina yells at her."

"Yeah, yeah, ten-thirty," she repeats.

We go into the café, and there is all sort of people in there. It is cool here. We find a couch to sit on in the corner. Chucky runs off to find Marley leaving us to sit on the couch. I look at her and smile, and her face beams back at me. A woman comes and takes our order, and we order the same thing, Chai lattes.

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