Chapter 17

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My eyes find my favorite section in the whole store, the romance section. I push my back against the bookshelf to get a better look at the top shelf. I feel Marco as come close to me, and he stands directly in front of me. I look up at him with my heart hammering in my chest. I think he may be able to hear my heart thudding in my chest. He put his hands on either side my head on the bookshelf, and he closes the space between us. I have knots in my belly, and my whole body is vibrating in anticipation of what he will do next. He runs his finger on my bottom lip, and I exhale a long breath I didn't even realize that I was holding. He leans into me slowly and presses his lips into mine.

I have no idea what overcomes me. I grab Marco by his shirt and pull him closer to deepen the kiss. He sweeps his tongue over the seam of my lips, and I open up my mouth slightly to invite his tongue into my mouth. He moves his tongue slowly, and my tongue is moving right along with his, and it's then I feel a tiny ball on his tongue. The more we kiss, I realize his tongue is pierced, and oh my god, my mind goes all over the place. He takes his hand off the bookshelf and grabs me by the hips and brings me closer to him. I feel his hard erection grind into me, and I moan into his mouth, not meaning to do that. We pull away from each other when we hear someone clear their throat. I look up and see the store owner looking at us sternly. He is a no-nonsense old cranky man, and we are about to get an ear full I just know it.

"Karolina! I told you not to come in my store if you were going to do nasty shit with boys. Take it somewhere else." He yells.

"Mr. Vargas, it's me, Katrina," I say, feeling my face redden. "I'm sorry we will just pay for the books and leave."

"Katrina?" he repeats in shock. " No, take your time getting what you need, but keep your paws to yourself, young man." He says, looking at Marco.

"Yes, sir. Thank you." Marco says with a grin. "Katrina, did you want to look some more, or are you ready to pay?"

"I'm ready if you are. I think we got everything we need for now."

We go and pay quickly, so we don't have to face Mr. Vargas for much longer. We go out, and Marco burst out in fits of laughter. It makes me laugh that he is laughing because today he needs all the laughter he can get.

He helps me put the books into a small compartment on his bike. He starts to hand me my helmet, but he pulls me close to him and kisses me again. His hands go into my hair, and he kisses me slow, making my body go into a tizzy. He pulls away, and I miss the closeness. He kisses my forehead and puts the helmet on my head.

"Damn, that was." He begins to say. "Fuck, I'm at a loss for words."

"Me too, I mean, I have nothing to compare it to, but it was amazing. You're amazing."

"So are you. Never forget that!" Marco smiles. "It's getting hot you want to and swim in the lagoon that you talked about?"

"That would be great," I say.

We head off after I give him the directions to the hidden Lagoons. I hope there is no one there yet. I kind of want to do more kissing. My thought makes my face flame good thing he driving the bike, so he doesn't see my face. I hug him tightly from behind and press my face into his back. If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up. He pulls into a makeshift parking lot, and he turns off the bike he climbs off the bike and helps me down as well. He gives me another kiss and wraps my arms around his neck, savoring the moment. He smiles against my lips, and I do the same.

"Is there a dressing room?" he asks.

"Yes, one, I think. Let go look it is down there." I say and point.

"Just one? If there is only one, how do you want to do that? I mean, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

"No, it's okay. We can go in together. I trust you. Just turn away, okay."

"Sounds good, let's go!"

We get there, and sure enough, there is only one changing room. We take everything out of the backpack. I'm pleased to see that it is spotless in here. I hand him swim trunks and take out my red bikini, and this is the first time I'm going to wear it. I hope I look okay in it and that he likes it. Just as he promised, he has his back to me. My phone rings and I look at the screen, and it is Chucky. I put it on speakerphone so I can get into my swimsuit.

"Hello?" I answer

"MAYDAY MAYDAY!" he screams on the other end.

"CHUCKY! My ear! Why are you screaming dummy."

"Why the fuck is your twin staying at my house? Tell her to go home now. This is cruel and unusual punishment for me, and I didn't do shit." He whines into the phone. It makes me laugh harder than I should.

"Sorry about your new roommate, buddy," Marco laughs.

"Aww man, this sucks," Chucky says but laughs. I turn around for a split second and see a very naked Marco grabbing his trunks to put them on.

"Holy Shit," I say, and I'm not ashamed, I even said it. He is gorgeous, and I keep staring at him. "Bye, Chucky, I gotta go."

"What?" He begins, and I hang up quickly.

My mouth goes dry, and I'm topless, and I could give a shit. He is gloriously naked, and this is the first time I have seen an "adult penis," and something is different about's pierced. I feel like I'm metal, and he is a magnet, and I'm so drawn to him. My feet are moving before my mind can catch up to what I'm doing. His eyes go wide, and I can tell he is surprised at my actions. Fuck, I'm surprised at what I'm doing.

What am I doing?


Finally an update!!!!

Enjoy and thanks for reading!

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